Life...Ever After - JynxedDraca - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Counterweight


This was inspired by the epilogue scene where the narrator says that the night before they got the invitation, Astarion tells the character (if romanced, of course) that 'the last six months with them has been a counterweight to two hundred years of misery' - and I really wanted to decide how that conversation would go.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The lightning had tapered off – finally – but the rain still steadily beat down around the ruined temple they had taken shelter in. They were south of Baldur’s Gate, returning from a bad tip about a ritual to cure vampirism.

Astarion watched the rain fall and drip from his perch on a ledge that had held a window at one point. Letting his head fall back against stone, he inhaled the smell of the rain mixing with the burning wood in the fireplace and gave a small smile.

Six months – almost – since the Netherbrain had fallen. Six months of living with Tav, shifting between bland domesticity and traveling as they searched for a way for him to walk freely where and when he wished. Six months where he didn’t have to worry about his next meal, where he could rest his head on her breast after a bad Reverie and be lulled back to comfort by her fingers sleepily carding through his hair, and where most nights the most exciting thing that happened in bed happened in a book. A year ago he would have laughed at anyone who told him this is what his life would entail one day. Even now, he still found it hard to believe that this was his life.

On that thought, he glanced away from the rain into the room proper, eyes settling on Tav – who had claimed one of his shirts for the night. Fingers nimbly danced and twisted her hair into the usual sleeping braid as she hummed the most recent ditty that had lodged in her brain. Her eyes were closed and she gently swayed to the tune in her head.

Smile warming as he watched her, Astarion took a moment to memorize the moment. More and more, his Reverie was showing him memories of his life away from Cazador. Many were of the adventure that granted his freedom, but just as many were of this new life, of moments like these where his heart felt light and warm.

Tav’s eyes opened and fell on him. co*cking her head curiously as her fingers tied off the braid, she gave him a warm though confused smile. “What?”

“Just thinking.” Astarion said, watching her walk over and lean against the opposite side of the former window.

“What of?”

“Of you, of happiness, of…life in general since we killed the brain.”

Her smile turned shy and she bit her lip.

Gods, I’ll never get tired of seeing that.’ Astarion mused, eyes dipping to watch the slow pull of her lip against teeth before moving up to her face again. “Six months – in the grand scheme of things – is not long.” He continued, absently gesturing with a hand. “But so much can change in such a small amount of time.”

Tav settled on the ledge as well with a soft laugh in response. “You can say that again. I still wake up sometimes and wonder if it were all a dream, until I see you.”

“It certainly does seem like a dream.” Astarion said softly, remembering those first few weeks where he was certain he was going to open his eyes one day to find himself back in the kennels again. Or worse. “My life would have gone a very different path if not for you. And after everything…Gods, these past six months with you have – have been the happiest I can recall.”

“Even when I irritate the sh*t out of you by being an ‘utter drip’?” Tav teased lightly, managing to almost mimic his voice.

“My dear, I would not have you any other way.” Astarion said meaning every word, though he added jokingly: “Your sister, however-,” which earned him a smack from her tail on his leg and he laughed at the way her lips twisted at him.

“Fuss all you want, I know you two get along better than you want to admit.” Tav said shaking her head and looking out the window. The annoyed twist of her mouth melted into another warm smile while he pulled her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and draped her tail over her ankles.

Astarion let his eyes drift over her again, studying how his shirt – oversized on her – draped and folded around her. A smile eased onto his lips knowing that when he went to wear that shirt next her scent would still be lingering in the fabric. “In all seriousness, I may pout when we’re in disagreement about what to do with artifacts or rituals – but if not for you sometimes being an ‘utter drip’, I would have made the biggest mistake of my life.”

Face turning back towards him, something somber crossed her face and she reached out to give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Turning his hand over to return the squeeze, he took a deep breath. “I have given a lot of thought about my life with you. I admit it isn’t the life I had always imagined I would escape to, but…I do think it is has been what I needed.”

The warm smile slowly returned as her thumb ran along his knuckles.

“Six months is, truthfully, a drop in a barrel in comparison of how long I lived as Cazador’s slave. That time will always weigh on me, no matter how long has passed.” Astarion sighed, squeezing his eyes shut and pushing away unbidden memories. “Despite that, despite everything I experienced – six months with you has managed to counterweigh two hundred years of misery.”

“Astarion…,” Tav murmured.

Opening his eyes, he could see surprised etched in the furrowed brows, wide eyes, and slightly parted lips. Leaning towards her, he used his free hand to cup her head and gently pressed his forehead against hers. There was only a moment of hesitation before he said what he had been trying to find the right time for. “Ai armiel telere maenen hir.”

He had falsely told countless people he loved them, called strangers every sweet pet name under the sun and moon, whispered all sorts of empty, romantic words into people’s ears – but never the phrase he had just uttered. Not even to lure people to their death. Certainly never had he meant such words before this moment.

“That sounds beautiful.” Tav said, bringing a hand up to touch his cheek as her eyes held his gaze. “What does it mean?”

There was a moment where his mouth worked around the words – words far more easily said when hidden behind Elvish – before Astarion found his voice. “It means ‘you hold my heart forever’.”

One day, Astarion would bury Tav. He knew on that day he would curse and mourn and break. Centuries would come and go afterwards, as would the ability to find love anew, but even now he knew that no one else would ever have his heart like she did.

Tears were gathering in her eyes and her smile was a bright as the sun. “Oh daj-,”

Tilting his head, he caught her lips in a simple, chaste kiss.

Nuzzling her nose against his after the kiss ended, Tav let out a soft, happy sigh. No words were needed for him to know how touched she was, and she seemed to realize that. Contenting herself with being close and breathing the same air.

They lingered like that for a long time, but eventually they eased back again. Both resting against their sides of the same window, though now Tav’s tail had curled to hook around his ankle as well.

“I think the sun’s coming up.” Tav said softly, apologetically, as her eyes squinted at the distant horizon.

Turning his head, he spotted the faint touches of the sun highlighting the contours of the clouds. It wasn’t bright enough yet to overcome the greys of dark vision, but there was just enough sky peeking through the lingering storm to promise a gorgeous display of color across the clouds and he sighed. The past few months may have been his happiest ones, but it wasn’t possible to have such happiness without pain. Being forced back into the shadows after the taste of sunlight the tadpole had given him still stung. “It’s dark enough for the moment.”

“Mind if I watch with you?”

Mornings like this were the few he could push his luck to watch some semblance of a sunrise anymore. Despite the very plain risk attempting one more peek at sun was to him, the most Tav had ever commented on it was as she had just done. The offer wasn’t always accepted, but to his relief, his answer was always respected.

“I would like that.”


The door to the windowless room where they unrolled their bedding was missing, only rotten remnants of it hanging off old metal hinges remained. They were sheltered from the sun, but the beam of light from the window was still visible in the opposite room from where they laid. Astarion’s eyes followed the warm glow as it shifted along the back wall.

Sighing softly, he absently ran his hand back and forth along Tav’s arm as he stared wistfully at sun-warmed stone.

“Did you already finish Reverie?” Tav’s sleep-thick voice drew his attention and she lifted her head up. “What time is it?”

“It’s still early.” Astarion said, not answering the first question.

Her eyes scrunched at him in confusion. “Daj, you need rest too.” She scolded softly pushing herself up on her forearms.

“Less than you do.”

The observation was met with a scowl. “So? You can’t stay awake forever.”

Smirk tugging at his lips, he tilted his head. “Technically darling-,”

“Oh shush.” Tav grumbled as her tail readjusted it’s hold on his lower leg. “Are you still up for any particular reason?”

Laughing at her grumbling, he shook his head. “No real reason, no.”

An eyebrow lifted at him.

“You worry too much.” Astarion chided before tugging her down against him. “Go back to sleep, I’ll rest shortly.”

The subtle rumble of a purr rolled from her chest into his as she settled, undermining Tav’s visible annoyance at him neglecting rest. But her breath was quick to even out once more and soon there was an unconscious shift to burrow deeper into the hollow of his shoulder – careful even in sleep of how her horn was positioned as their legs tangled together.

This soft intimacy was something Astarion could barely handle at times. Some days he couldn’t handle it at all, and on those days he knew he was difficult to be around. But yet – but yet – the threshold always allowed his return, no matter how biting the words between them had been. Tav always was there waiting for him relieved that he was okay, and even though she never said it, he knew she was just as relieved that he had chosen to return.

Days like this one though – despite the disappointment of walking away from their quest empty-handed and the longing looks at sunbeams – Astarion was content.


Forgot to add this before but language in the chapter:

'Daj' - Infernal word that I made up that means 'A steady repeating beat or rhythm' and is sometimes meant as 'heart. When it is used to describe someone, it refers to that person as being the beating of your heart and/or the rhythm of your life.

'Ai armiel telere maenen hir' - 'You hold my heart forever'. Elvish, from the Forgotten Realms wiki.

Chapter 2: Out For Blood


A year or so after the events of BG3, someone gets it in their head to try to kidnap Tav.


This chapter is going to have smut, murder, and blood drinking.
+++ indicates POV switch.
--- indicates a scene change.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They had kidnapped Tav.

In Astarion’s mind there was only one course of action – he was going to murder them. How, though, had been up in the air until he found a letter from Araj in the ‘adventurers’ hideout outlining that she wanted Tav alive, as unharmed as possible, and where to meet her when Tav was ‘secured’. Spite kicked in, and as he pocketed the letter he decided he was going to drain them all dry just to rub it in the damned drow’s face that he still hadn’t agreed to bite her.

The first two mercenaries were easily found, and while he took his fill happily of them Astarion was surprised that he felt rather uncomfortably full after the second one. The third he felt almost nauseous, and the fourth – he barely drained. As the last one struggled in his grip, Astarion wiped the blood from the side of his mouth.

“Now darling, this really is nothing personal.” Astarion explained calmly, false cheer in his voice. “Unfortunately for you, I am not in the habit of leaving loose ends.”

“You – you’re – you’re a vampire.” He panted, wide-eyed.

“Mm, noticed that did you?” Tav called conversationally from her cell.

Astarion gave him a wide smile of over-constructed friendliness. “I am. Perhaps-,”

“Why don’t you just finish me off?”

Tutting at the man, Astarion put a finger to his lips to prevent another interruption. “Your other friends were a bit more filling than I anticipated – but worry not! You’re dead either way. I thought it might be some comfort to know it’s not personal.”

“You son of a-,”

Astarion’s dagger found it’s mark, cutting off the insult. Once it was wiped clean, keys were grabbed from the man’s belt, and Astarion headed to the cell – twirling the keys on his finger. “Hello darling, what is a lovely woman like you doing in a cell like this?”

Tav was clearly trying not to laugh at him as she shook her head. “Just waiting for Prince Charming to rescue me.”

“Well, I hope you’ll settle for a roguishly handsome vampire while you wait.” The lock clicked and the bars swung open.

Taking the offered hand, she gave a wide smirk. “I think Prince Charming will have to find a different damsel though.”


“You seem much more fun.” Her arms snaked around his neck. “Want to rifle through their sh*t and see if they have anything worth taking?”

Astarion threw his head back and laughed before they did exactly that.

Outside of some coins in their pockets and a few potions worth taking – there wasn’t much in the hideout. But once everything worth taking was pocketed, the two headed back to their own camp, laughing and talking. On the way, the amount of blood Astarion had consumed began to kick in, making him drunkenly sway as he walked through the forest. By the time they had gotten back to the camp, the exceptionally large meal had had enough time to settle and give him the flush of life. It wasn’t the same as being alive – but nearly 4 bodies worth of blood was enough to almost mimic that particular condition, and the high of being blood drunk was slowly turning into a blood lust.

And Tav was very receptive – writhing enticingly as he pinned her to a tree. The feeling of her legs and tail hooked around him, her small gasps, shaky moans, the smell of her and the scent of her arousal was quickly driving him mad. Laces were quickly loosened. Eager to pry her from her stays, Astarion nearly whined when she stopped his actions.

Until she clarified that she was only requesting they were inside their tent first.

Without putting her down, Astarion complied – carrying her the last stretch of the way to the tent and pressing her down into their bedroll. Finally, he properly stripped her down in between rough kisses as Tav did the same to him.

“How many – oh gods – how many did you drain?” Tav gasped. “You’re warm.”

“Almost 4.” Astarion said grinning against the skin of her breast, feeling the tremor under his lips, and shifting lower. “But I’m far more interested in tasting you right now.”

Tav let out a squeak and squirmed under the attentions. “This seems more-,” she let out a whine as he slipped fingers into her. “-seems – fuuuck – seems more intense than – than the last time.” Panting heavily, he watched her slide a hand over one of her breasts while the other gingerly wound through his hair.

Astarion’s only response was to let out a dark chuckle and intently caught her gaze, watching her flush at his expression. Under his fingers, pressed against a very intimate pulse point, he felt her heartbeat quicken.

It wasn’t long at all before Tav’s body arched and his name was cried out into the air. Before she could fully come down from that high, Astarion was already sliding up and catching her mouth. Eagerly meeting each kiss, Tav pushed against his shoulders until he was reclined before moving to give him a taste of what he was doing to her.

It took far more restraint than it normally did to keep himself from bucking into her mouth. Every nerve ending seemed hyper aware of her. Of every brush of skin, every breath leaving her, every slow drag of her tongue, and he simply couldn’t take it.

“Tav,” He rasped, sliding his hand along the back of her head and watching her look up at him. “-please, I want you.”

Tav moved, met his crushing kiss eagerly, and let him maneuver her into his lap. One quick motion sheathed him fully. Gasping into his mouth, she quickly tangled fingers in his hair and wound around him.

Normally he loved this position. Loved how intimate and close it was. But realized quickly that tonight he craved something else. Shifting, Astarion laid Tav back down on the bedroll and set a pace more to his liking. Savoring every noise coaxed from her throat, he made no move to muffle a single cry of passion. Instead he made extra certain to caress every place he knew she enjoyed, murmured encouragements in her ear between his own moans, and held her tight when she crested – arching, clenching, yelling out, and shaking until it pulled him over the edge and subsided. Pressing soft kisses to the side of her neck, he stilled and ran his hands over her skin until she caught her breath and began to squirm again.

Once their next climaxes crested, Astarion grabbed the water skin and passed it to her. “You should drink some water.”

Green-on-black eyes were half-lidden, blinking dumbly up at him before sitting up and took it from him. “You’re nowhere close to be sated – are you?” Tav panted after downing several gulps of water.

Kissing her bare shoulder, he chuckled. “Afraid it is like you said, my dear: this is much more intense than last time.” The last blood lust he’d had involved a bear – just like the first time Tav had seen him blood drunk. “Like I’ve told you in the past, the blood of thinking creatures contains much more life force than that of beasts.”

“If you want me on top at all tonight, we may want to while I can still use my legs.” Tav said after a moment of consideration before gulping down a few more mouthfuls. “Give me two minutes, I’ll be good.”

It was longer than that, but it was worth the wait to watch her move as she straddled him. Astarion let his eyes rake over her frame, taking in everything from where Tav was taking him into her body up to her torso being jostled with every impact, to her face where pleasure contorted it in waves. Murmuring encouragements to her, he quickly and eagerly took over as her legs gave up on supporting her. Pulling her close, wrapping an arm around her back and a hand around the base of her tail, Astarion dug his heels into the bedroll – snapping his hips upwards until she cried out again.

As Tav trembled against his skin, Astarion recalled some advice from a copy of the Quarta Sune that Tav had picked up somewhere. Gently, he maneuvered her into a gentler position and – once she caught her breath and nodded her consent – stoked her fire high once again.

With each high, came a lull – islands of calm to save them from becoming painfully overstimulated. Each one filled with hastily gulped water, whispered conversations, needy cuddles, and the slow drag of fingers over skin that ultimately turned hungry once more. Spurring them into the next round – into a new position that filled the tent with sweet cries.

Their final position put them back to front and Tav nearly wailed in Infernal as they climaxed together. Astarion let the feeling roll through him before pulling out and holding her tightly against his chest, eventually sitting back on his haunches while nuzzling against her. The night was nearly over, the bedroll was in need of a good washing and Tav finally halted the affectionate onslaught.

“I love – I love you,” She panted, reaching back to hold his head and swallowing hard. “-but I need you to stop touching me for a few minutes. Gods, I’m going to burst.”

Releasing Tav – who took the moment to lie down and take deep breaths – Astarion watched her face carefully, there was a satisfied smile on her lips, and her half-closed eyes glittered happily in the low light, but she also looked fully exhausted. “I may have gotten a bit carried away.” He admitted guiltily.

The smile widened around a laugh, showing off fangs. “Oh, I am completely fine with that. You did tell me once you were a man of tremendous appetites.”

“Not normally quite this…vigorous, I’ll admit.” Astarion said stretching out next to her. Faintly, under the smell of their couplings, was the scent of blood. Another glance along her body and he spotted places where he had nipped a little too aggressively and caught her flesh with fangs. Though he wasn’t the only who had broken skin. Tav had, without thinking, drawn blood from him as well many times – though the large meal caused the small injuries to heal nearly as quickly as they were made.

“I feel like one of those pastries that’s been stuffed with cream.” Tav mused absently.

Astarion laughed. “Shall I dust you with sugar, my sweet?”

“Why? You going to take a bite out of me?” She teased.

His mouth watered. “Do you want me to?”

“Tempting, but not right now.” Her eyes were forced closed by a yawn. “Gods, I’m tired. I do hope you aren’t expecting me to be remotely useful tomorrow.”

“Today, technically.” Astarion said.

Eyes popping open, she sat up, winced and stared out the tent flaps that didn’t quite make it closed earlier. “Oh. f*ck.” Tav said at the faint, pre-dawn glow towards the horizon.

Chuckling at her surprise, his eyes noted the state of the bedroll and his smile turned into a grimace. He didn’t relish the thought of sleeping in the wet aftermath of the night’s passions and he doubted Tav would either. “Let me grab the spare bedroll, I think we both will be more comfortable.”

Tav sniffed herself, making a face. “I’m going to heat up some water real fast.”

In the still of the morning, Astarion listened to Tav breathe deeply as she nestled into the hollow of his shoulder. The effects of the exceptionally large meal hadn’t fully left his body, but he was more than content to lie quietly with her. Humming absently to himself, he let his fingers lightly move back and forth along her arm, smiling at the faint giggle she gave and as her tail gave a quick squeeze around his leg.


Tav woke face down in the bedroll and everything ached. Letting out a soft whine, she burrowed deeper into the pillow.

“Darling, at some point you are going to have to have to leave the bed.”

“We can take a day.” Tav mumbled without lifting her head. “We aren’t in a rush.”

Astarion chuckled over the sound of him pushing past the tent flaps before his lips pressed against her hair. “We weren’t no, but those so-called adventurers were.”

Tail absently flicking, she sighed. “I don’t think they’ll get anywhere fast.”

“Oh, but aren’t you curious who they were going to take you to?”

Finally lifting her head from the pillow, Tav shifted only enough to co*ck her head at him. “Who?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at the amused expression on his face.

“I’ll give you three guesses.” Astarion said holding up three fingers. “Who do you know that is obsessed with blood?”

Mind slowly churning over the question, she blinked dumbly at him for a long moment before the name was enticed from the recesses of her mind. “Araj?”

“One and the same.”

“That bitch!” Pushing up on her elbows and letting out a huff, she pinned Astarion down with a look. “How do you know?”

Astarion produced a letter and handed it over.

Skimming over it, slowly moving until she was sitting upright as fury licked through her insides, Tav glared at the letter. “Prized bleeder hm? I’m gonna show her a bleeder.”

“I thought this time we could take a page out of your book.” Astarion said with a grin.

Tav raised an eyebrow at him. “How do you mean?”

“Well, us showing up at the inn where she’s staying, in perfect health, will frustrate her to no end. Also, imagine her face when she finds all of her hired swords drained of blood once we hint at where to find them.”

“Ah, that’s what that big meal was all about?” The mental image of Araj seeing them at the inn, and another one when finding her mercenaries made a grin slowly appear. Another glance at the letter confirmed when Araj would leave the inn. “We’re going to have to get a move on if we want to surprise her before she leaves – that’s a bit of a walk from here.” Tav grimaced. “We have got to start hiring horses.”

“Ugh, no, nasty creatures. They bite so often.” Astarion said.

“Says the man that bit 4 people last night.” Tav retorted stretching and letting out a soft moan. “5 if you include the love bites.”

“Mm, as if you didn’t enjoy it.”

Tav couldn’t stop the grin and lowered her arms. “Never said I didn’t. I rather like your love bites – can’t say the same for my kidnappers though.” Letting out a large yawn, she shook her head. “I hope you are ready for a lot of rest stops during this trek though.”

“Which is why I brought tea with me when I came to wake you.” Astarion said picking up a mug he had clearly set aside earlier and handing it to her.

“I love you.” Tav said happily accepting the steaming mug.


By the time they had made it to the inn, night had already fallen, and they both were plenty ready for a bed to sleep in. Quickly procuring a room and setting their things in it, they slipped to the tavern portion and found a table amongst the late dinner crowd – but didn’t see Araj.

“Maybe she’s already left?” Tav murmured once she put in a dinner order.

Astarion frowned. “I hope not, I do so want to see her reaction.”

It wasn’t until food had arrived at their table that Tav spotted the drow. Subtly elbowing Astarion, she nodded towards Araj and the three of them met each other’s gazes at the same time. To Araj’s credit, her eyes only widened slightly before she plastered a friendly smile on her face and wandered over.

“My silks! I didn’t expect to see you here.” She said. “Would you be opposed to some company for dinner?”

Astarion gave her one of his old, luring smiles. “Pull up a chair.”

Once again, the surprise flashed over her face before she masked it and joined them. “What brings my two favorite people to the area?” Araj asked once she was able to put in an order as well.

“We have a wizard friend who wanted us to look into a rumor of an artefact he was interested in.” Tav said with false friendliness. “Otherwise, mostly we’ve been traveling. Seeing all the parts of Faerûn we hadn’t yet.”

“What about yourself – discovered anymore interesting bleeders.” Astarion asked idly, draping an arm over the back of his chair as he leaned back.

Tav hoped he hadn’t just given away their game, and under the table gave his leg a firm poke with the tip of her tail.

“Oh I’ve discovered a few people who’s blood uncovered new alchemical reactions – alas, nothing that compares to your blood.” Araj said tilting her face towards Tav with a sigh. “I don’t suppose you’ve changed your mind about trying out Formula Gruna?”

Astarion made a quiet noise of disgust, and Tav recalled that he had been able to smell the stench of that particular formula from across a very recently exploded room.

“No, I have not.” Tav said using some bread to better scoop greens onto her fork.

The statement was met with a wistful sigh. “A shame, it really could be an incredible breakthrough.”

“I don’t see why Tav is the one that would need to drink that rank brew.” Astarion asked as the stew Araj ordered arrived. “Surely such a potion would work on anyone.”

“Formula Gruna was created using her blood. As such, it would work most effectively – and safely – on her.” Araj explained.

Tav hummed absently. “Have you ever had anyone try it?”

Araj gave a small hum, and lightly pressed her lips thin before plastering a fake smile on her face. “Not quite yet, there is precious little of my formula – I would hate to waste it on someone incompatible.”

Beside her, Astarion made a noise of disbelief in the back of his throat – quiet enough Arja most likely didn’t hear it, loud enough Tav could.

“Formula Gruna aside,” Araj continued, with a absent wave of a hand. “-if you are ever willing to part with your blood again, I would be more than happy to compensate you for it. And of course for any potion I can acquire or brew up is yours at no cost if you can convince your–,”

“That decision is for him to make.” Tav interrupted flatly. “I will not sway him one way or the other.”

“And the answer is still ‘no’ – just to be clear.” Astarion added smugly.

“Shame, I feel my access to potions could more than make up your distaste at my blood.” Araj ventured.

“I highly doubt that.” Astarion said. “Not when our adventures turn up so many interesting things.”

Setting the hardest part of the bread crust in leftover juices on her plate to soften it up, Tav faked a curious look up. “Speaking of adventures – what brings you so far from Baldur’s Gate? I can’t imagine there’s many ingredients out here for the potions you like to brew.”

A slight twitch of an eyebrow and Araj’s eyes studied Tav closely. “You’d be surprised, I’m waiting on a contact to bring me what I hope to recreate what your blood did.”

“I’d be interested in what ingredient that would be?” Tav asked, keeping her tone light and amiable.

“Afraid that is a trade secret.” Araj said lowering her eyes and sipping at her stew. “Though I’m starting to doubt his promises on ability to deliver. He’s late.”

“Sounds like your contact may have ran into trouble.” Tav mused aloud, before popping the last bit of bread into her mouth. “Not surprising, we ran into some ourselves on the road.” She added around the bite.

“Hm? Oh yes, rather annoying fellows.” Astarion said absently. “They tried to kidnap Tav. It didn’t go how they planned.”

“My silks, that sounds dreadful.” Araj said faintly, holding her spoon just above the bowl and sitting unnaturally stiff.

Tav flicked her eyes to Astarion, watched the amused smirk play along his lips and the predator gleam in his eye as he stared down Araj. Despite enjoying watching the drow’s discomfort, she decided it was time for the reveal. “They seemed very interested in keeping me unharmed – mostly.”

Araj gave a high-pitched hummed. “Some kind of traffickers?”

“You tell me.” Tav said, folding her arms on the edge of the table.

“I beg your pardon?”

Astarion pulled the folded note from his breast pocket and flicked it so that it slid neatly across the table, embedding itself slightly under her wineglass. “I found it a rather enlightening read.” He said leaning back and co*cking his head at her.

Her plush lips were pressed into non-existence as she glared at the note. After a long moment Araj lowered her spoon and retrieved it and opened it for only a second before refolding it once more. Once it was safely tucked into a pocket in her own clothing, she leveled a wary look at Tav. “Then it’s safe to assume they’re dead.”

Tav smiled serenely at her. “I suppose that is something you’ll wish to confirm for yourself. They’re South of us, can’t be much more than six or seven miles along the road, then another mile or so West into the woods.” She explained leaning forwards slightly and unable to keep her tail from swaying back and forth. “They’re camping in some old ruin, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding them. We didn’t even take all their stuff, so you might be able to get back something for your troubles.”

Araj’s eyes flicked to Astarion who looked like a cat that had caught a canary. “I imagine I won’t like what I find there.”

“Oh, I do so hope that’s the case.” Astarion said, grinning just wide enough that the tip of a fang showed before dropping his voice so it didn’t carry past their table. “We decided that this time, a friendly warning would suffice.” The smirk vanished and his eyes flashed in the light of the candle on their table. “But this is your one – and only – warning. The next time you deign to try something like that then I am personally going to send you to join the rest of your family Oblodra in the bloodiest way possible that doesn’t involve my teeth.”

To Tav’s surprise, Araj’s spine stiffened even more than it had been before she turned her eyes to her. “You are the voice of reason-,”

“You paid to have me kidnapped for your blood experiments.” Tav interrupted softly. “Astarion won’t bite you – but I promise if you ever put a hand on me I will and you will not enjoy it at all.”


I did math for this. The average human body holds between 4.5-5 liters (1.2-1.5 gallons) of blood in it. The normal human stomach can only really hold about 1.5 liters (half a gallon). I am fully stretching that here because I feel vampires probably have some kind of adaptation that allows them to take on large meals if an opportunity presents itself - but I feel that there is a limit. 3 people is somewhere around 4 gallons of blood - assuming a vampire can get most of the blood from a body before the heart stops pumping - so I feel that is a pretty solid upper limit for fantasy biology.

As a note: In my head this is a couple of years after the events of the game and there is a reason that Astarion can travel during the day. I just haven't posted that particular snippet yet.

Chapter 3: Children

Chapter Text

“You know I can’t give you children, right?” Astarion said softly, without any sort of preamble. “I wouldn’t be opposed if you found someone to get you pregnant, if you wanted that – but I know you don’t care much for-,”

“I don’t want children.” Tav said once her brain processed what he was saying.

Astarion turned his head and quirked an eyebrow at her.

Pushing up from her comfortable spot, she folded her arms on top of his chest and leaned on him. “I don’t. Really.”

His eyes searched hers in the dark. “You say that now, but in a few years-,”

“I already raised a child, Astarion.” Tav said firmly. “I don’t particularly want to do it again in this lifetime.”

Astarion’s head tilted in the pillow. “Temerity is your sister, not your daughter.” The tone wasn’t condescending, just confused.

Tav nodded. “She is. But I’ve spent most of my life acting more like a mother to her than acting like her sister. I know what it takes to raise a child, I don’t want to do it again. Not even knowing it would be easier this time around. I love you, but even if you weren’t sterile my answer would be the same: I don’t want to raise another child.”

“Really?” Astarion whispered.

“Yes.” Tav said sighing softly as the sound of her tail swished over sheets. “It’s not that I don’t like kids, and when I was little I did want to have babies. But…I’ve been taking care of someone ever since my father died. I’m ready to be selfish and enjoy not having someone rely entirely on me.”

“I rely on you.” Astarion pointed out.

“Not in the way a child does.” Tav retorted. “At least you had better not turn into one of those men that become a giant man-child once they’re settled.”

Astarion made an offended noise in the back of his throat. “I would never!”

“Then it’s different. We have a partnership – we’re equals. I take care of you; you take care of me.” Tav said.

He reached up and toyed with a strand of her hair absently. “You’re positive you won’t change your mind?”

Leaning over, Tav pressed a small, chaste kiss to his lips. “I haven’t wanted children since I was eleven. I haven’t changed my mind in seventeen years. I gave up most of my childhood to raise Tem and while I don’t regret a single thing about that – I don’t want to give up my adulthood too. I want to spend it with you in…in whatever way suits us.” She said. “Travel. Adventure. Trouble.”

Astarion chuckled at the last option.

“Whatever tickles our fancy while I’m still young and able. The last thing I want to worry about is the wellbeing of a child on top of our own.” She sighed and gave a small shrug. “I’m more worried about you after I’m gone.”

Something flickered behind his eyes. “Something I am not looking forwards to.”

Tav gave a sad smile, and nodded. “I know. But promise me that you’ll keep on living. That you’ll find new friends, new loves, new things to see.”

Astarion closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “Tav-,”

“I mean it.” She said. “I know my life is so much shorter than yours, but…I don’t want you to stop living your life when mine ends. You worked too hard for freedom.”

His eyes didn’t open for a long moment, but eventually they did. Once again they searched hers as his hand abandoned the strand of hair it had been toying with to cup her cheek. “I promise.”

Chapter 4: Heat


This one is just smut.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For the first time ever in her life, Tav was in heat and she hated it.

Sure, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the time she had licked charmed spider meat, but the fact remained that she was slowly edging towards insanity.

Every breeze, no matter how faint, seemed to sneak directly up her skirt and remind her of the damp patch that had developed on her panties. The cool touch reminding her a little too much of Astarion and each time the base of her tail twitched up before she forced it back down. It wasn’t cold, but she could feel the faint pain points where her nipples had pebbled too hard under the boned bodice she wore. Neither was it particularly warm, but there was a persistent sheen of sweat on the back of her neck and Tav was beginning to grow concerned about her odor – a fear not helped by the fact she felt she could smell a cricket fart.

Two more stops, and I am going to go home and take a bath.’ Tav reminded herself, checking her shopping list again. It wasn’t technically a bath day, but she hoped soaking in hot water would ease some of the tension out of her body.

If she had her way, Temerity would still be at work or out with friends, Astarion would be home and in the mood for a bit of fooling around when her shopping was done. Unfortunately, to her ever growing frustration, her ‘heat’ had decided to settle in while he was gone for a few days – having discovered a branch of the temple that Cazador had built his palace into which led into the Underdark.

Scowling faintly at her shopping list, Tav forced a deep breath through her nose and headed towards the butcher.

She had wanted to go with him, pointed out it was a bad idea to go alone, but Astarion had insisted on going solo this time. To a point, she understood why he wanted to go alone. Understood that he was still getting used to his own freedom, rediscovering who he was when no one else was around, and that despite his obvious want to have a relationship – knew how badly the idea of needing her scared him. Still, she hated that he went to the Underdark alone.

Shivering as another breeze teased between her thighs, she managed to barely catch her tail lifting this time and didn’t even break her stride.

Downwind a tiefling and a dragonborn paused mid-conversation, nostrils flaring, and flicked their eyes through the street, settling on Tav – who flushed under the intrigued looks. Ignoring what they considered flattery rolling off their tongues, she stepped faster and decided that her visit to the spice monger could wait until another day and she was heading straight home after the butchers.

Muttering in Infernal when she closed the door to their flat behind her, Tav sat her shopping onto the table that doubled as a kitchen counter and absently started finding a home for everything. Getting catcalled was something she despised, and even while in heat she found it extremely distasteful – but it had planted a fantasy in her mind to join the ever-growing visions playing behind her eyes of all the different things she and Astarion could be doing if he were home.

It was not relieving the steady pressure of arousal. In fact it had fanned it to the point she could feel her pulse thumping steadily in her cl*t. Stopping what she was doing to take a deep breath and debate, while tapping a nail against the top of the counter, if she should finish putting everything away after she gave herself an org*sm or two.

Strong hands caught her by the hips. “Well darling, something’s got your tail – OW!”

It didn’t register who’s voice it was until after she slammed her elbow back. “Gods, Astarion! I am so sorry!” She turned in spot, one hand over her mouth and the other searching for where her elbow had landed.

Astarion’s scowl met her wide eyes as he rubbed his shoulder. “I should be glad you aren’t taller.”

“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were home.” Tav said eyes scanning him for injuries now that she did know he was home – and was assured that he at least looked uninjured.

His eyes softened as ‘home’ fell from her lips. “Well, considering that, I suppose I can forgive you this time.”

Smiling at the teasing tone, Tav rested her hands on his shoulders. “I can kiss it and make it better if you want.”

“Perhaps later.” Hands move to catch her waist this time her tail perked up at the contact. “Now, darling, it sounded like you had some rather choice words when you walked in. What has your tail in such a twist? You didn’t even notice me.” Was added in a false pout.

Flushing, she realized she must have been deep in her fantasies if she hadn’t managed to notice him in the small flat. “Well, that – you see – it’s sort of embarrassing.” Tav stammered out, hands smoothing the fabric of his shirt absently and something in Astarion’s expression subtly shifted.

The barest flare of nostrils, pupils slowly dilating, and then his head bowed towards her as he took a deep inhale. A smirk tugged at his lips and his fingertips pressed firmly into her flesh – making her knees turn into jelly. “Maybe so – but I’m curious.”

Tav’s heart was hammering and at this distance not only could she smell the cologne that he wore – but the scent of him under it. There was nothing she wanted to do more than bury herself in him in that moment. “Well…I, um, I may have – may have started…I may be in…heat.”

Astarion blinked in surprise.

“And my mind has been plaguing me with – not that there is any pressure to do anything.” Tav said quickly, unknowingly beginning to babble. “I’m certain you’re tired after your trip and probably want to rest. Have you eat-,”

The words were cut off with a press of lips against hers and she let out a happy noise somewhere between a sigh, a moan, and a whimper. “When did this start?” He asked, pulling back.

“Yesterday.” Tav admitted before biting her lip and searching his eyes – seeing amusem*nt and interest sparking through them.

“Well, it seems I timed this homecoming just right.” Astarion teased as Tav’s hand rested against his neck. “A night of passion is exactly what I need after that trip.” With that, he dipped down, caught her just under her ass, and hoisted her up to his hips.

Catching his mouth again, Tav locked her legs around him and happily let him carry her to her curtained off room where the sound proofing rune was immediately activated. Trailing her mouth across his jaw, she inhaled his smell when she got to his neck. There, she could pick up a faint tinge of arousal shooting through the notes of brandy from his cologne and just as though she had swallowed actual brandy – it went right to her head. “Gods, you smell amazing.”

Laughing and settling her on the mattress, Astarion pulled back and caught her chin. “As do you, my dear. Before we lose our heads – where is your sister?”

Blinking slowly, Tav had to force her mind to shift to the question. “Work, and – sh*t! I need to put a frog in the window.”

“Run that by me again, pet?” Astarion requested faintly as Tav slipped from under him and grabbed an obnoxiously colored ceramic frog.

“It’s one of those really weird, old sayings.” Tav said as one of his eyebrows lifted at her. “The translation into Common makes it sound a lot stranger – but frogs…there’s a saying about frogs and sex. So we stick a frog in the window if one of us is…occupied.” Flushing, she took the frog out, heard the temple’s bells sound the hour, and slipped the frog where Temerity would see it for sure before rushing back to the bed.

Astarion was reclined back, eyebrow still raised.

“What?” Tav asked, tugging the curtain closed.

“And the frog will make sure we don’t get interrupted?” Amusem*nt was threatening to break out over his face.

Smiling, Tav walked over slowly. “I promise.”

Chuckling at the absurdity, he held out his hand and pulled her so she was straddling him. “Can’t argue with the frog then. Now, I believe we were getting reacquainted.”

Tav dipped her head down, stopping short of his lips. “I believe you were right – can I kiss you?”

“I would like that.”

There was no hesitation as the gap closed, lips and tongues pressing against each other as Astarion’s hands slid to grip her backside, pulling her tight against him. Faintly keening at pressure where she so desperately wanted it, her fingers found the edge of his pants starting to quickly untuck his shirt and find the laces.

“Good things come to those that wait.” Astarion chided teasingly before catching her wrists and flipping them so he could pin her to the mattress while continuing to kiss her. Holding both her wrists in one hand, his other trailed down her body igniting fire through her clothes.

Gasping faintly as his mouth moved to follow the line of her neck, she tilted her head in clear indication that if he wanted to, he had permission to bite her – an invitation she suddenly realized she was deeply craving in the moment.

Tongue finding the pulse point in her neck, he laved it with attention before giving it a teasing nip. At the sound she let out, he chuckled, working his way to the crook of her shoulder as his roaming hand began to bunch her skirt up. “My, my, you are eager. What have you been fantasizing about?” He murmured as his fingers ghosted over her thigh.

“Everything.” Tav breathed, squirming and letting her tail wind itself around his thigh.

Astarion’s face moved back into view, giving her a teasing peck on the nose before nuzzling his own against it. “Oh? What about just now – when you walked in?”

Tav gave an embarrassed, airy laugh.

“No need to be shy, love.” He crooned, eyes sparkling as his hand shifted the bunched skirt out of his way and let his fingers drag over her, resting at the damp spot that showed just how deep in her fantasies she had been.

Biting her lip and her cheeks warmed, she shifted to get more friction and his hand fluttered away, smirk deepening. “I…I had been imagining us taking a walk.” Tav finally admitted and in reward, he began to tug the laces on her bodice loose. “And teasing each other, subtly, until you pulled me into an alley.”

“Dark and secluded?” Astarion asked with a wide grin, pressing a kiss at the corner of her lips.

“Dark, just enough light I can properly see your eyes, but maybe not as secluded as wise.” Tav admitted shyly. “Just some strategically placed crates.”

His fingers seemed to move faster, and the boned structure was starting to hover over her chest, breasts pressing against it with every breath.

“I’m having to be quiet, you’re shushing me in that way amused way you do – but you’re not helping me stay quiet.”

The last of the lacing pulled free and Astarion let the length drop to the floor, sliding his hand under the bodice, over the looser fabric of her shirt, thumbing over a hardened nipple. “Go on.” He said when her breath caught.

“You’re teasing me, ghosting your hands everywhere I want you to touch, hiking my skirt up, and pressing me against the wall.” Tav continued after swallowing heavily. “Dragging your teeth along my neck, giving my tail a good tug, but denying me any friction where I so badly want it – kind of like now.” She added in a tease, since she could feel him right above her, but he hadn’t pushed his hips down yet.

Astarion laughed as he traced the ridges that went from sternum to belly, which always made her squirm. “Someone has to teach you patience – and what better way than this?” His fingers shifted up and pinched the other nipple, earning a moan in response. “What else was going through that pretty little mind of yours?”

“That – that’s about where I stopped. I was trying to decide if I wanted to just finish it out in the bedroom or not.” Tav admitted, tilting her head up and brushing her lips against his chin. “Then you gave me a bit of a fright.”

“I suppose I should make it up to you.” He said, a fresh smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth.

“You won’t hear any complaints from me.” Tav said lifting her head and giving a playful nip at him.

Astarion avoided the teeth but shifted to catch her lips as his hand abandoned her breast and cupped her jaw. “Say ‘please’.” He lightly commanded.

“Please.” Tav pleaded without hesitation as his thumb traced her lower lip. Lowering her eyes, she pressed a soft kiss to the pad of the digit before looking up at him through her lashes. Later, she would be a bit more of a brat at him at any commands – for now, she just wanted him to touch her.

“Good girl.” He said, even as surprise made a brow twitch up before his eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion at how quickly she caved. It only lasted a moment before he began chuckling as her tail shifted to push up between his legs in a silent plea. Astarion finally gave in, pressing fully against her once more and nipping at her lower lip.

Whimpering happily at the contact, Tav arched into him and her tail tightened its hold. Shivering as his hand slid along her side, she eagerly waited to find out where it was going to focus.

He let her wrists go. Both of his hands slipped under the bodice and pushed it off her shoulders, dropping it off the side of the bed as well before they dipped under her shirt and mapped out her skin. “Either I’ve gone too long without touching you, or you’re warmer than normal.” Was murmured against her ear before teeth tugged her earlobe.

“I’ve felt flushed since yesterday.” Tav admitted, letting out breathy sighs as cool fingers traced her spine and a palm cupped a breast. “I feel like I haven’t stopped sweating.” Her own hands slid along his chest, teased his nipples through his shirt, before wrapping her arms around his torso and savoring the feeling of him moving under her palms.

Astarion’s nose buried itself in her neck and he gave a deep inhale. “I can tell.”

Tav worried her lip between her teeth. She knew as a vampire his sense of smell was far keener than a normal elf – but she often wondered if it was skewed like his sense of taste was.

“Gods you smell good.” Astarion sighed, nuzzling deeper against her. A hand left her torso to reach down, slid up along the back of her thigh, and gripped her ass. At the same time, his hips pressed down, grinding against her.

Blushing harder than she thought she could, Tav gasped at the harsh grip and shuddered at the friction and pressure between her thighs. Rocking her hips against him – him responding in kind – there was a desperate need to feel his skin and she made quick work of untucking the rest of his shirt. Shoving her arms inside and griping his strong back, she pressed kisses everywhere she could reach, heat settling low in her belly as hips moved more insistently.


“Don’t stop.” She pleaded, hooking a leg around his hip. His scent was filling her head like too much wine, and the pressure of him against her was doing little to ground her. “Please,”

Astarion’s head turned slightly, and gingerly caught the skin at the base of her neck between his teeth – avoiding using his fangs – and pinched hard enough to leave a bruise.

Tav let out a loud moan, arms pulling him tighter against her, nails pressing into his skin, and tail cinching tight around his thigh as her org*sm rolled through her. Panting, shivering, and finally relaxing. A new heat rose to her cheeks as she realized that they were still – essentially – fully dressed.

“Well,” Astarion said, surprise and amusem*nt tinging his voice. “-I rather think you missed me.”

Letting herself sink back into the mattress with wide eyes. “I did miss you, but I had been planning to have nice dinner when you got home. Not – not grind against you through our clothes until I came like a teenage boy.” Scowling, she cursed this heat ruined her plans of a nice welcome.

Astarion laughed before cupping her cheek and letting his eyes roam hers. “I already grabbed a bite, but I imagine I can fit in dessert.” He teased warmly, thumb tracing her lip again. “And darling, I can’t say I’m surprised you couldn’t wait. I could smell how hot your blood was running the moment you stepped through the door.”

Tav tilted her head at him. “I thought you didn’t realize until after I elbowed you.”

“Oh I knew right away. While your blood has a very lovely bouquet, I normally only can pick it up when you’re close to me – or bleeding. But, when you’re particularly amorous it gets strong and takes on the most delicious scent.” He explained, tongue absently licking his lips. “It wasn’t until I got closer that I smelled all the other lovely smells wafting around you – pheromones, I’m supposing.”

Curiosity prickled at her mind. “What does it smell like to you?”

Astarion pressed his forehead against hers, closed his eyes, and inhaled again. “You always smell of smoke – even your blood tastes like it’s been smoked.” He said after a moment of breathing her in. “Aroused, it gets intense and takes on a…oh, I don’t really know how to describe it honestly, but it’s – hm, rich? Not quite sweet.” Another deep inhale as his brows knitted together. “Sometimes it almost smells like there’s a note of lavender in it – or something lavender-like. It mixes very well with that soap you like.”

Watching him internally debate on her smell made her melt. The use of scented soap had started from a long-standing paranoia about her natural odor – even though she didn’t produce the more common sulfur-like odor. Lilac had always been her favorite scent and the one she got the most compliments about. Until now, no one had ever told her that her natural smell mixed well with it before.

“How long does heat last again?” Astarion abruptly asked. “If it’s long enough, I might finally be able to pinpoint that smell. It’d make a wonderful perfume.”

Tav laughed. “I doubt anyone would buy tiefling scented perfume.”

Scoffing at her, he shook his head. “Trust me, if it smelled like you, they would – but I wouldn’t sell such a blend. It’d be purely so you could smell it or if I travel again without-,” His eyes widened and he quickly cleared his throat before he finished his sentence.

Realizing what he’d been about to say, she gave him a warm smile and pulled him to her again, pressing kisses to his lips. “Five days, give or take, or so I’ve been told.” She said when they tapered off, tracing the angles of his face. “I…I’ve always tried to cover how I smell – been afraid to smell like a tiefling. I think I’d like to smell what you do.”

“That’s a shame, I rather enjoy it.” Astarion said softly, shifting slightly.

As though the movement reminded her body that he was still on top of her – and still mostly hard she realized – a flush of interest gently rose in her. Gently, for now, Tav had a feeling it would crash against her like a wave soon enough.

Smiling, like he smelled the fresh burst of arousal, Astarion dipped down and pressed his lips against hers again before letting his hands start to roam. “Five days. I think I’ll have memorized this smell by then.” Lips brushed against each other as he spoke since he hadn’t properly pulled back for the words.

Catching him by the waist, Tav smiled. “Good, I can’t wait to smell it. Though, truthfully, I’m more interested in how lovely you smell.”

Lips crushed against each other once more, pulling away only for shirts to get pulled off and dropped off the side of the bed. Not allowing her up just yet, Astarion shifted, mouth following after where his hands had been, and untying the waist of her skirt so he could tug it down as he moved.

Sinking her fingers into his hair and letting her tail curl around his waist, Tav pushed her head back into the pillow with a heated sigh. “I just came – I should be focusing on you, not the other way around.”

“If what your friends have told us about heat is in any way accurate – I think you’re going to put my recovery period to the test.” Astarion said from just above her belly button where her skirt was bunched.

“The centuries catching up with you old man?” Tav teased and giggled when her cheek earned a sharp nip.

Tongue soothing the spot his teeth had just bruised, Astarion’s eyes flicked up to her with a raised brow. “Careful – centuries mean I know how to draw things out. And you, my dear, are impatient even when you aren’t in heat.”

Heart fluttering at the teasing warning in his voice, she met his eyes. Tav bit her lower lip and debated on if continuing to be cheeky would be worth it right now. She knew he wouldn’t intentionally leave her hanging – but she also knew that if she sassed Astarion enough that he would reduce her to an incoherent, mewling mess before letting her cum. It was a delicious agony. It was not one she had the desire to go through with just yet though. “Fine, I’ll behave. For now.” She demurred with a faint grin.

“Good girl.” The skirt was tugged lower, fully bunched as his lips followed the faint ridges that only appeared on her lower belly when she was aroused. “Lift your hips.” He said before sitting up.

Obliging and unwrapping her tail from him, Tav watched her skirt meet the same fate as their shirts before catching how Astarion’s eyes drank in her form, darkening hungrily. Flushing at the look, she twisted one of the rings that was on her fingers. Cool air touching her gave her a hint at just how large the wet patch on her underwear had gotten – a patch that had left it’s mark across the bulge in his trousers.

Sliding his thumbs under the remaining fabric, rubbing the skin low on her hips as he did so, Astarion teased her panties slowly down her legs. Dragging his fingers along her skin, he took his time – ghosting over her inner thighs, tracing the patterns on her knees, sliding along the backside of her calves, caressing the bone of her ankle before slipping the panties off and dropping them in the pile. Resting his hand on her knees that were now beside him, his eyes trailed back up her body with a gaze so hot she could practically feel the path they took as he met her eyes again. “You are perfect.”

Her heart had gone from fluttering, to a heavy thudding loud enough she wouldn’t have been surprised if he could hear it. “As are you.” She said as she melted under the look he gave her.

A corner of Astarion’s mouth twitched into a smile, and he leaned over her once more – hand sliding up her thigh to rest where it met her hip, both of her legs tucked under his arm. Pressing chaste kisses to her lips in stark contrast to the heat of his looks. He hummed in pleasure as her hands rested on either side of his face, fingers tracing the angles and lines.

“I love you.” Tav whispered reverently.

“Telere evae ai.” Astarion returned softly in Elvish, pressing one last chaste kiss to her lips before they turned deep and dominating once more.

Gasping for breath when the kiss ended, she nearly whined when he pulled away from her – until he grabbed one of the pillows at the head of their bed. At his touch, Tav lifted off the sheets so he could tuck the pillow under her hips. Once she gave him a nod that she was comfortable, she let him part her legs. Watching him press kisses starting at the side of her knee and working down to her inner thigh, Tav had to fight the urge to squirm under his touch.

Lips slowing as they moved closer to her groin, there was a sudden smirk as his eyes flicked up to hers. “I did say I’d be interested in dessert.”

Oh. Oh.’ Tav realized as a pleasant jolt went through her and the base of her tail pushed against the pillow under it. “Yes you did.”

“May I?”

“Please do.”

Fangs bit deep into the tender flesh and Tav couldn’t stop the shaky moan that left her. Usually, his bites didn’t get such a reaction. Then again, bites with intent to drink her blood weren’t often part of foreplay, let alone in such a sensitive spot – or coupled with his fingers seeking flesh even more sensitive than where he sank his teeth.

Shuddering and trying to hold still was a struggle, one that she partially lost as her tail curled around Astarion’s torso. Cool fingers teasingly stroked over her cl*t while he swallowed measured draws of her blood with a pleased hum. Tav pushed her head back into the pillow again and let out a soft keen, body clenching down on nothing. “Oh gods….”

Already, his tongue was soothing the wound and ensuring every drop of blood was caught. “Delectable as always.” Astarion purred before nipping a little lower and giving a light tug at the base of her tail to draw a hitched gasp. “And so reactive.”

Tav panted looking at him. “I hadn’t thought it’d be so sensitive.”

“I’ll have to remember that for the future.” Astarion said, lips brushing against her skin as he spoke. Planting one last kiss against the blooming bruise, he shifted so that he was laying flat along the bed one hand resting against her lower belly, the other exposing her.

Tail shifting and tightening around him, Tav bit her lip around soft sighs as his tongue took over what his fingers had been doing moments before. “Astarion…” She breathed, carding fingers through his white curls.

The hand that had been resting on her stomach moved, catching her free hand and lacing their fingers together. Lifting his eyes to hers, he paused for a moment. “Don’t forget to breathe, darling.” He said before returning to his task.

Falling back again, Tav’s sighs began to turn into whimpers.

Long strokes slid along her entrance up, circling her cl*t. Slowly, his tongue began to slip into her with each stroke, drawing firm lines with its tip before refocusing into a sucking kiss that coaxed impatient whimpers into fully fledged moans.

Tav’s hips rocked without her permission and Astarion’s thumb rubbed soothing circles from it’s position holding her hand. Chest heaving, and her leg giving a warning tremble closed her eyes. “‘Star – Astarion, I – I,”

His mouth shifted, pressing his lips instead against the trembling thigh.


“I do love hearing you call my name.” Astarion laughed meeting her gaze. “Don’t worry, darling, I won’t leave you forever on edge.”

Letting out a soft growl of frustration at the laugh, Tav tried to rock against his hand until it shifted to hook around her leg and press down on her belly. The pressure felt good – but it was not the kind her body was singing for. “Is this because I called you old?” She panted.

“Yes.” Astarion said raising a brow and smirking wider at her resulting scowl. “Deep breaths, love.”

It felt like an eternity to Tav before Astarion decided she had waited long enough, not that he made the wait easy. Every moment was passed with him stroking some part of her – with his lips, with his fingertips – keeping the fire in her burning hot without pushing her closer to completion. However, he never released her hand – keeping their fingers laced together. When his cool mouth came back into desperately wanted contact with hot flesh, Tav nearly sobbed in relief and pleaded with him to let her cum.

Fingers slipped into her. Crooking and stroking against the spot that near always made her org*sms resounded deep through her bones. Clearly sensing how close she was drawing, his movements became focused on the exact points he had learned drove her the highest.

Tav tried not to let her thighs clamp shut, but when she crested they still closed – touching him without locking against his head. The shaking of her legs made his ears tickle the sensitive skin of her inner thighs as he drew out the org*sm until she sank bonelessly into the mattress.

Resting his chin along the joint where her thigh and her hips met with a smile, Astarion watched her catch her breath as he released her hand and let his fingers drift over her palm. “Feeling better?”

“Much.” It came out breathless, half panted and Tav swallowed heavily before looking at him. “Once my legs don’t feel like jelly, I think it’s your turn.”

Pressing a kiss to the spot his chin had been resting, Astarion moved up her body as Tav’s tail loosened from around his chest, and rested against her. “There’s no rush. Besides, I’m rather having fun tormenting you.”

As his weight settled against her, it helped calm the still rapid fluttering of her heart. Winding her arms around his shoulders, she pressed her forehead against his. “Even so, I want to make sure you’re satisfied too.” She could feel how hard he was, even though he wasn’t making any immediate motions to alleviate it.

“Oh have no worries about that.” He said with crooked grin before pressing his lips against hers. “I’ve yet to walk away from you wanting.”

Smiling into the words as they bled into another press of lips, Tav took a moment to savor the comfortable quiet that settled around them. Once her heart resumed a more natural beat, she couldn’t resist a mischievous grin as she shifted her tail so that it arched between his legs.

Astarion let out a soft moan into her mouth, hips pressing towards the friction. “Little minx.” Came the accusation with no heat behind it.

“Are you complaining?” Tav asked, arching her tail once more against him.

There was a sharp nip at her lower lip before he slid his leg up – forcing one of hers to hook over it before grinding against her. “Not at all, but I had planned to let you recover more before indulging myself.” Astarion took a deep inhale through his nose and huffed out a laugh. “But it seems like you may already have.”

Desire had indeed already begun to flush through her again, and her tail curled around his leg. “I can’t get enough today, it feels like.” She admitted, cradling his jaw as his fingers began to dance along her skin. “And every time you touch me, it’s like sweet wine going to my head.” Ghosting her lips over his, Tav let her fingers start to drift down along him, teasing him with fleeting, light touches. “It doesn’t take long to want for another cup.”

“Bards and their poetry.” Astarion teased, thumbing over a nipple to draw a sigh from her.

“Tell me to stop then.” Tav said, smiling coyly, knowing he never would.

As her fingers found the laces on his pants, his eyes darkened before reaching down to assist. “Even if I did, you wou-,” The groan that rose from deep in his chest interrupted his words and drew his eyes shut as Tav’s fingers wrapped around his length. “Gods.” He added in a breathy whisper and rutted against her hand.

Tav watched his face closely, watched for any sign that hinted he was less okay with this than she thought. When his eyes opened they met hers and held her gaze, bright and clear, glittering like rubies. “Is this okay?” She asked, dragging her thumb through a bead of precum.

“More than okay.” Astarion insisted, and with an urgency he hadn’t shown until that moment, pulled back, shucked out of the last of his clothes – once Tav’s tail uncoiled – and greedily tugged her hips so she was draped over his thighs. Once settled, he pushed along her, coating his co*ck with the available moisture there before pushing in.

Keening at the press, Tav angled her hips, rested her hands on his wrists, and studied his expression as he sank fully into her. Lips curled up at the corners and parted around soft pants, eyes heavily lidded but clearly watching her as closely as she watched him as he bottomed out against her. Unable to lie still, she squirmed and coiled her tail around his thigh before dragging the tip of it across the back side of his balls.

Closing his eyes and twitching a brow up at the sensation, Astarion chuckled and leaned over her. “You feel wonderful.” He murmured as she arched against him. “And still so impatient.”

“I can’t help it.” Tav said, sliding her hands over his chest and letting out a soft whine as his hips rolled against her. “Gods, I want you so badly I can barely stand it.”

Astarion chuckled, dragging fingers over her neck and starting an easy rhythm. “Have me then.” He murmured, letting his body press her into the mattress. “And I’ll have you.”

“For as long as you want.” Tav whispered into another kiss.

Despite coming undone twice already, her body was still sensitive – humming in desperate anticipation that was torn between begging Astarion to move in a fashion that matched the fire burning in her, and enjoying the languid, unhurried movements that promised a long, satisfying afternoon. Hands, legs, and tail skimmed over his skin to tease every spot that she had come to learn brought him pleasure – rewarding her with deep moans and sharp nips.

His own hands did the same, nimbly pressing and stroking until she shook, then pulling his hands away – resuming only once her high had eased as much as it could in her state. It was a method that had never failed to drive her to the brink of insanity and it was proving particularly effective now.

Keening loudly when his hands once more paused in their motions, Tav rolled firmly against him and slid her knees higher along his body in wordless pleading.

“You’d think I’d been toying with you all day and not the past hour.” Astarion chuckled against her neck. Though he swallowed heavily when her body gave him an encouraging squeeze around his co*ck. “Gods, you play dirty.” Came the playful accusation in lust-roughened voice.

“I could stop.” Tav mock-threatened breathlessly and was met with a laugh.

Astarion lifted his head to press their brows together. “No you couldn’t.” He said with a wide grin. “You, my dear, are too wound up.” A hand moved to wrap lightly around her neck, stroking the skin there. “If I were to stop moving – I think you’d take over and have your wicked way with me.”

“I would never!” Tav protested and was silenced with a kiss.

“Normally no, but I’m sure if I made it clear I wanted to watch you until we both came…” Astarion trailed off with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

The vision of pushing him onto his back and riding him with reckless abandon flitted behind her eyes – making her face flush more than it already was.

Red eyes flicked down and back up, crinkling smugly. “I think you enjoy that idea.”


“Because your ‘excitement’ is suddenly dripping down my balls.” He laughed before giving her lower lip a gentle bite. “I think I’ve made you suffer long enough.” The measured, easy pace bled off into hard thrusts that were just shy of stinging each time his hips contacted her, and which pushed him deep into her body.

Clinging to him at the sudden change, there was no stifling her cries and Astarion made no move to either. Fingertips pressing into the skin at his shoulders, Tav tried not to dig them in – even with blunted nails she knew she could draw blood if she wasn’t careful. Rocking her hips in time with each of his thrusts, the movement ensured that each harsh snap against her hit exactly where she needed it. Giving a shaky moan, Tav pushed her head back into the pillow while the tip of her tail – still stroking the backside of his balls – began to shake, nearly vibrating in pleasure.

Astarion let out a growl against her neck and the steady rhythm he had set became erratic. Desperate thrusts plunged without abandon, the lewd sounds of their bodies filled the small room, and his hands gripped her tight enough that there would be bruises later.

Her body was singing. This was just the right amount of pleasure edged with pain, and Tav could feel her high creeping forth like the buildup to a crescendo. “f*ck,” She whined. The only thing that could make this better was to feel teeth on her skin. “Gods, Astarion, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

Fingers moved across the back of her head and tilted her so Astarion could touch his forehead to hers. Eyes bored into hers, lust-darkened and pupils blown wide. His hand moved from the back of her head to trail fingertips over her lips, pausing only when she gave the pad of his thumb a soft, chaste kiss. “Let go.” He said, voice thick and rough as his other hand gripped the ridges at her hip. “I want to see you – to hear you.”

There was a hot coiling in her belly and Tav couldn’t hold back a desperate mewl of need or how her fingers dug into his skin. Her crossed ankles no longer pressed against his lower back to urge him faster, they now floated just above him in an effort to hold the perfect angle for both of them. “Ah – ‘Star – I…”

“Telere ivae, let go – with me.” Astarion said, cradling her face.

Earnest words breathed in only the way he could made the hot coil in Tav snap – forcing her curl and go taut as the strings on her lute. Crying out, her focus narrowed to the emotions weaving through her, to the way Astarion’s eyes warmed and the feeling of their bodies sliding together in a symphony of friction, pleasure, and finally release.

Astarion pressed deep, eyes finally closing as a moan rang out from his chest. His entire body bowed against her, clinging as desperately to Tav as she was to him. Shuddering though his climax, he gasped in tandem with her, sharing each breath.

Tav shivered at the sensation of him releasing and twitching inside, before melting under him. Watching his face, she let her fingers trace the tense line of his jaw and the furrow between his brows until his eyes opened again. “Hi.” She said softly.

A soft, huffed laugh met her words. “Hello darling.” He said before letting his body settle along hers, nuzzling their noses together.


Forgot to add this before but language used in this chapter:
'Telere evae ai' - 'I love you' in Elvish.
'Telere ivae' - 'My light' in Elvish

Both phrases are loosely based off of the Elvish dictionaries that I can find for D&D Elvish.

Chapter 5: Assumptions

Chapter Text

She’s never complained, surely that means she’s satisfied.’

From his position on the bed, hands tucked under his head, Astarion’s eyes subtly flicked to Tav, watching her pace around their rented room, glaring at the notes she had jotted down about the rumor of a wish spell they were investigating.

Eyes returning to the ceiling, he absently chewed the inside of his lip. ‘Though it is Tav – she didn’t say anything when she licked that spider…’ The thought faded as his worry renewed.

While they were no longer celibate, Astarion knew Tav worried about crossing boundaries. Especially after the incident where he suddenly couldn’t handle what they had been doing, dumped her on the bed half naked, and walked off – unable to say a word to explain. Which was a new and deeply frustrating thing that sometimes happened that they were learning to navigate. It had left its mark though. Tav had become far more cautious about initiating anything, opting to let him initiate such intimacy most of the time.

Which meant it sometimes was something of a wait before he was in the mood again.

Scrunching his face in thought, Astarion tried to think of what a ‘normal’ amount of sex to have with someone. ‘Once a tenday or so isn’t out of the ordinary. Is it?’ Brows nearly touching, he tried to think of how often he’d wanted sex before he was a spawn.

Unfortunately, most of his memories before being locked in the tomb were, at best, difficult to remember. Recalling anything before he was a spawn was like trying to gather fog – fragments of memories sometimes would coalesce, but nothing to build off of. After he became a spawn nothing about living under the bastard’s roof had remotely been in the same vicinity as ‘normal’, let alone the amount of sex he’d been forced to participate in.

Raising an eyebrow at the ceiling, Astarion supposed his relationship with Tav probably didn’t count as ‘normal’ either. Not when their early relationship was based on manipulation and trauma – with no never mind to their celibate hard restart only a couple of months in. Now, a little more than a year after the whole thing with the tadpoles, it could easily be a tenday or more than a month between their couplings. In fact, it had almost been a month since the last time they had done anything.

Which – according to the conversation he had overheard earlier – was far from normal levels of desire. Astarion scowled. Originally, he had dismissed their complaints as them being young, human men with assumably high libidos. Then he remembered that not only was Tav a young tiefling which had human ancestry, they sometimes experienced heat, as he had learned recently. Leaving him once again wondering if their sex life was leaving her wanting.

“What did the ceiling do to earn that look?” Tav teased, leaning on the headboard and into his vision.

Blinking in surprise, he tilted his head and quickly plastered a flirtatious smile on his face. “What look?”

Amusem*nt tugged her smile to one side and she rested her chin in her hand. “You were glaring like it said something stupid.” Her brows knitted together. “You’ve been quiet today, everything alright?”

“Hm? Oh yes, everything’s fine.”

Her lips pursed and twisted to the other side of her face as an eyebrow lifted. Eyes studied his face for a moment. “What’s bothering you?”

Astarion sighed, annoyed she had learned how to read him so easily. “You would tell me if I…if we weren’t…”

The expression shifted to something faintly confused, continuing to stare mutely at him, and that wasn’t helping him find how to ask the question on his mind.

“Ugh! Do we have a normal amount of sex or not?” With a fresh scowl, he stood up.

“Huh?” A glance to Tav and Astarion was surprised to see complete confusion in her face as she straightened as well. “Normal amount of – where is this coming from?”

“Just…answer the question.”

She shook her head and sighed. “It’s a normal amount for us, I guess.” Tav said rubbing her neck.

“For us – is it normal in general?” Astarion pushed.

“Hells if I know, I don’t have a running counter in my head to track when other people have sex.” Tav retorted dryly, hands dropping to her sides.

Astarion let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Are you wanting to stop for a while?”

“What? No.” Shooting her an exasperated look that met her concerned, worried one, he decided to rephrase. “I’m not wanting to stop, I just…I want to make sure you are satisfied. We haven’t exactly been…active in a while.”

Tav squinted at him, and co*cked her head to the side regarding him. “Astarion, if I had a complaint about our sex life I would tell you.”

Quickly taking in her body language, he hummed only half believing her. “It’s been nearly four tendays, some people think that’s a rather long time.” He said. “It’s far longer than any time between when we first met.”

Her tail flicked idly behind her before she walked up to him and put her hands on his arms. “For some people, that is a long time.” Tav said slowly. “And things were different when we first met – stressful even-,”

Astarion snorted at the understatement there.

“-and you are really good at making me relax.” Tav continued, shooting him a teasing smile before turning serious. “But that was then, this is now – and you’ve filled me in on your real feelings.”

Clearing his throat, Astarion shifted uncomfortably before crossing his arms, dislodging Tav’s warm hands in the process.

Tav’s eyes followed the movement, but her hand were left hanging loosely at her sides. Once he had stilled, she spoke again. “You don’t have to push yourself to have sex when you don’t want to. Your interest is going to wax and wane and I have always – and will always – be fine with that. And just to be clear: I am satisfied.”

“You say that now, what if you have another heat and I…and I don’t have any desire?” Astarion bit out, scowling and glad he didn’t have blood to make his face flush.

“Then I won’t have sex.” Tav said with a shrug, as if it were the easiest thing in the world to decide. As if a couple of months ago he hadn’t experienced first-hand one of her heats that made her desperately mewl and plead while writhing under him. “Or I masturbat*. But I will not pressure you into having sex when you don’t want to.”

Pressing his lips thin, he knew that she believed her own words – and he believed that she would do her damnedest to adhere to them, however imperfectly.

“Now, what brought all this on?” Tav asked after a moment. “Did I -?”

“No, you’ve never hinted at being unhappy.” Astarion interrupted.

“Then why the sudden worry?”

Astarion sighed, unfolded his arms, and put his hands on her waist. “Have you noticed that no matter where we travel, people act like we’re f*cking like rabbits?”

Her hands moved to rest on his arms once more, but the slow blink she gave him was hard to read. “What?”

“They do. Honestly, it wouldn’t be half as annoying if people would keep their opinions about it to themselves.” Astarion continued, feeling his lip curl in distaste. “The innkeeper here especially.”

Tav’s brows snapped together and she co*cked her head to one side. “What did he say?”

“Nothing that bears repeating.”

A brow went up. “It’s bothering you, might as well repeat it.”

Sighing dramatically, Astarion knew that now he had said something – she wasn’t about to drop the subject. “It’s not like it’s particularly lewd or anything, nor is it bothering me, necessarily…” He muttered watching her expression go dry. “But he did feel the need to comment on how the rooms are not sound proof and his patrons aren’t in the habit of hearing ‘devilish moans’ – after pointing out he doesn’t rent out rooms by the hour.”

Tav nodded in commiseration. “Not the first time we’ve heard that before.”

“Perhaps not, but it does get old.” Astarion said. “Moreso on days like today where everywhere we went someone had some comment or another. The apothecary, the clerics at the temple, random people in the queue…” He let out another frustrated huff.

“And all those comments made you think we aren’t having enough sex?” Tav ventured hesitantly after a moment.

“Admittedly when everyone is under the impression you should be f*cking like rabbits, it can make you wonder – but no. It wasn’t that. I just happened to overhear someone complaining about a dry spell.” He finally admitted. “A whole tenday, if you can believe.”

Tav’s eyes rolled. “Some people have no concept of patience.”

Astarion watched a half-scowl move across her face. “You’ve had other relationships, normal ones – is that a long time for….” He trailed off, uncertain how to phrase what he wanted to say.

“Not really.” Tav said, turning her gaze back to his own. “Lulls happen, and every relationship has different rhythms. The only person that I’ve been with who thought a tenday was too long a wait was Eirkas.”

Her ex’s name still brought a sour taste with it. “Why am I not surprised?” Astarion said trying to aim for a light tone but knew his distaste of the man bled through.

“Because you’ve met him.” Tav retorted, before shaking her head and sliding her hands absently along his arms. “Regardless, we’re going at our pace – and I’m happy with that. Are you?”

Sighing and letting his thumb trace circles into her shirt at her waist, he nodded. “I am.”

“Then that’s all that matters.” A smile warmed her face and her hands gave a comforting squeeze where they had stopped. “Just, tell me if that changes.”

“You’re very sweet.” Astarion said, melting under that smile and returning it.

Chapter 6: Books

Chapter Text

Fingers moving slowly over the words as they were read, Tav quietly murmured to herself as she worked her way through one of the books acquired while adventuring. “-she chafes through the…the-,” Humming and flattening the page, she squinted at the unfamiliar word.

“Shibboleth.” Astarion’s voice read next to her ear.

Tav jerked in surprise, before putting her hand over her heart. “I’m putting a bell around your neck.”

Laughing at the threat, he took the chair next to her. “It wouldn’t work. I step a little too lightly for that.” He nodded towards the book on the table. “You know, darling, for all the books I’ve seen you pick up – I think this is the first one I’ve actually seen you read.”

Tav flushed and started to close the book.

“Oh, don’t put it away on my account. I’m surprised is all – especially considering that book is about normalizing necromancy.” Astarion said with an absent wave of his hand. “I didn’t think you cared much for the art.”

Slowly moving back to the page she was on, Tav gave a small shrug. “I don’t know much about necromancy, to be honest.” Licking her lips, she glanced down at the words on the page, she placed her finger on the word she had stopped on. “Except through you. I wanted to be able to hold a conversation – or at least follow when you talk about it.”

Astarion canted his head at her curiously. “You don’t have to stop reading just because I sat down.”

“I know.” Tav said smoothing a hand over the pages of the book. “I…I don’t normally read in front of people. It’s a little embarrassing.”

“Why?” Came the drawled question. “It’s just reading. Unless there’s smut in that book I’m not aware of.” He added teasingly, glancing back over at the pages.

Pressing her lips thin, and shaking her head, Tav sighed. “No, it’s not that I…I didn’t exactly spend a lot of time at school when they taught reading.”

The teasing smile on his face faded as her embarrassed flush grew. “You – you don’t know how to read?”

“I can read.” Tav said quickly, absently rubbing her neck. “I learned from Tem when she was in school. For the most part, anyway. I learned some when I did go to school just not very well. I’m not a particularly fast reader.” Averting her gaze back to the words she sighed. “And I sometimes have to sound out what I’m reading. It’s a little embarrassing.”

“No need to be embarrassed, my dear, but why take so many books?”

“Practice. I was hoping I would have time to get better at it on the road.” Tav admitted with a faint laugh. “That didn’t work out like I’d hoped.”

His odd laugh followed the statement. “Yes, we stayed rather busy on the road – for one reason or another.” Astarion nodded towards the book. “If you like, I can leave you to read in peace.”

Watching him start to stand, Tav bit her lip. “If you promise you won’t make fun of me, I wouldn’t mind the company.” She said softly. “You said this word was – was shibboleth? Do you know what that means?”

Astarion settled again and leaned over, looking at the word. “Yes, it’s something that can be used to specify groups of people, particularly if they’re considered old-fashioned.”

“Huh, okay.” Tav said shifting so her fingers once more followed the words, now acutely aware of Astarion’s nearness to her as she read. “Let’s see…‘She chafes against the shibboleth. Who needs necromancy? What could such a gross thing possibly be for? These questions are very valid. I hope my answer satisfies. Necromancy is a social magic.’.” She continued slowly, smiling when his chair shifted closer.

Chapter 7: Ghouls


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“What do you call them?” Tav asked quietly, nodding towards the ghouls Astarion had summoned earlier who now meandered around what they considered the boundary of camp.

“My dear, I believe they’re called ghouls.” Astarion gave his boot another violent shake until a pebble fell out of it. “Gods below, I thought the damnable thing would never come loose.”

Watching him with a raised eyebrow, she waited patiently for him to stop whining about the stone. “That’s not what I meant.”

A wry look was shot at her. “You mean names? No idea.”

“Are they the same ghouls every time?” Tav pressed.

“Hells if I know.” Astarion sighed, knocking the other boot firmly before reaching inside it as Tav stared at the side of his head. Finally, he relented. “Ugh, probably? It not unlike a demon on the material place or like Gale’s little spell for Shovel. They are simply…mm, less chatty than she is.”

Blinking at him with a slow nod, she glanced at one of the ghouls who was watching her with its head tilted. “Have you asked them?”

The boot was lowered. “Why would I do that?”

“Why wouldn’t you do that?” Tav shot back.

“Because they’re virtually identical to each other and I don’t know about you – but I can’t tell them apart.” Astarion snipped.

Tav pinched the bridge of her nose. “Ugh, you’re impossible sometimes.”

A splinter was pulled from the boot and tossed to the side with a note of disgust. “Darling, I don’t know that they care if I call them by name or not.”

“Let’s ask then.” Tav looked up at the one that was staring at her. “Do you have a name you’d like us to call you by?”

It blinked at her, wide eyes going even wider in surprise before looking towards Astarion.

Clearly sensing that eyes were on him, Astarion rolled his own skywards and muttered a prayer for patience. “Go on, answer her.”

“A ‘please’ won’t go amiss.” Tav scolded softly.

“No names.” The ghoul rasped before Astarion could retort. “Old master never gave any.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tav said. “Do you want names?”

“You’re really going to name them?” Astarion asked.

Tav shot him a dry look. “Do you prefer to be called ‘Astarion’ or ‘you there’?”

He scowled at her. “Point taken. I still can’t tell them apart though.”

“We’ll figure something out.” Tav said as the ghouls all looked at each other, chittering. “Do you have opinions on-?”

“That is all you.” Astarion sighed with a dismissive wave.

“Names. Yes, we like names.” The second ghoul spoke up suddenly, nodding eagerly.

“While you figure out names, I’m going to find something to sink my teeth into.” Astarion said, pulling on his boots. “I’ll return soon.”

The ghouls moved to follow him.

“No, stay here. I can hunt fine alone.” Astarion said pointing towards the ground. “Keep an eye on her, she tends to find trouble plenty without me.”


Shooting her a teasing smirk, Astarion wandered off into the woods leaving Tav alone with four ghouls that loomed over her even when she was standing and who had begun to stare very intently at her.

Shifting uncomfortably, Tav rubbed the back of her neck under the unwavering looks. “Right, names then.” She said faintly. “How about I list off names and you decide which ones you like?”

The four ghouls chittered softly for a moment, glancing at each other before looking at her again – nodding.


“Lian, Denny, Malark, and Sal.” Tav pointed to each ghoul in turn before looking expectantly at Astarion who was staring at her like she had grown a second head.

Right. And we can remember which is which by…?”

“Lian has the light patch over their eye, Denny is the shortest one, Malark has a chunk out of their ear, and Sal is the tallest one.”

Astarion’s brows met and his eyes quickly flicked over the ghouls who seemed to smile as they were introduced. “I will definitely, maybe, remember that.”

Resting a hand on her hip, Tav shot him a crooked smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.” She said grinning wider as he gave her a deeply unamused look.

“Sun.” Lian said peering towards the sky and sighing sadly. “Return to blood soon.”

The other ghouls let out equally sad sighs.

“I’m sure we’ll see you again soon.” Tav soothed, ignoring the incredulous stare it earned her.

“Soon.” Malark repeated bobbing their head happily.

“Yes, soon. In the meantime, I think we should get some rest before it gets too light out.” Astarion said rubbing his brow.

“I’ll be along shortly. I need to fill up my waterskin.” Tav said grabbing it and starting to head towards the stream they set up near. Once again, she was blocked by a ghoul. “Sal, I’m only going right there.”

“But you find trouble!”

“She can get water, trouble doesn’t find her that easily.” Astarion laughed before slipping into the tent.

“See, I’ll be fine.” Tav patted Sal on the arm and finally was able to get a drink.

Once she had gulped down several mouthfuls and topped off the waterskin, she turned just in time for several moans to erupt from the ghouls as they melted into pools of blood. This time, thankfully, they were a good distance from the tent. But it still looked like a massacre had happened at camp. Tav grimaced at the sight and shuddered at the oddly sour smell of their blood.

No one had known that the summoned ghouls melted after a certain amount of time when Astarion first called them forth – least of all melted into blood. At the Elfsong just a short month ago, it was a discovery that caused an accusation of Astarion being an incredibly messy eater and inspired a lot of panicked cleaning before Gale had crawled forth from bed and used prestidigitation to clean up the mess.

“I can’t believe you named them.” Astarion chuckled when she joined him in the tent. “Are you actually going to remember those names?”

Rolling her eyes Tav pulled her shirt off. “Yes, I’m going to remember them. Why wouldn’t you want to give them names?”

“I’m not attached to them. I only summon them to help in fights I don’t want us to die in.” Astarion scoffed, handing over the bag she used for dirty laundry.

“Thank you daj.” Accepting the bag and stuffing the dirty clothes in it as she peeled out of them. “Look, even from a practical standpoint, you should call them by name. Maybe they’ll be a little more organized in fights when you an say ‘hey Denny, go there’ instead of ‘hey you, not you, that one, no the other one – yes you! Go there’.” She said mimicking his voice and hand gestures before she pulled on her sleep shirt.

“Okay, you may have a point there – but I do not sound like that.” Astarion huffed. “Nor do I move my entire upper body when I talk.”

“Yes you do, and yes you do…all the time.” Tav laughed gesturing in the same, dramatic fashion that he always did that, indeed, involved most of her torso moving – throwing in how he wiggled his shoulders sometimes just to annoy him. “It’s cute.”


Pulling her hair from their buns, she shot him an amused look.

“Darling, I am many things: Sexy, charming, mysterious, and beautiful – but not cute.” Astarion scowled as she put her hair into a sleep braid.

“Pout all you want. You are indeed all those things and more, but sometimes you are also – in fact – cute.” Tav teased, chuckling as he uttered something that was probably rude in Elvish. Once the braid was tied off, she moved so that she could lift herself up onto her knees to be eye height to him and draped her arms over his shoulders. “I wouldn’t change anything about you, daj.”

The scowl softened some and a hand found her forearm, rubbing his absently. “Except for neglecting to name my ghouls.” Astarion said lightly.

“One thing, then.” Tav amended before a thought crossed her mind. “What do they eat? When do they eat?”

“Ugh,” Astarion groaned.


I honestly see Tav and Astarion having wildly different opinions about the ghouls that he learns to summon. Tav probably really doesn't care for them at first, but defaults to basic respect while Astarion only really sees them as battle fodder. I have a few opinions myself about their relationship with the ghouls because I really think it'd be funny if the ghouls get a bit of a soft spot for Tav - eventually calling her 'mistress' and taking her orders to some degree if they don't go against Astarion's orders, or if he's unable to give an order.

Chapter 8: What Are Friends For?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

With major exception that there wasn’t anything for him to drink – Withers’ party was not bad, Astarion decided. They hadn’t even had to travel and risk damage or dirt to their nice clothes. A portal had opened up at the time their invitation had specified, and when the party was over they would return back home in the same manner.

Eyes skimming over the party, a smile snuck it’s way onto his face. There had been some hesitance on his part when the invitation had first arrived, but he was glad he came. Still, he had hung back at first, watching as Tav flitted to each of their travel companions, hugging, laughing, and tearing up with all of them.

However, upon Karlach’s arrival he’d been swept up in a bone-cracking hug with only the briefest pause to ask him first beforehand. Then she began telling him how proud she was of him and gushing animatedly about finding a possible replacement for her heart. Wyll had greeted him warmly as well, even though they had so often butted heads in the past and it had finally spurred him on to mingle properly.

The warm welcomes were repeated with each companion that he sought out – though Karlach was the only one he accepted any hugs from. A carved, wooden duck had been gifted to him by Halsin, Shadowheart filled him in on her life rebuilding the blighted village with Lae’zel and Xan – the githyanki egg that had hatched. Xan was being watched by someone – who, Astarion didn’t catch – while Lae’zel was there only in projection form as she was currently in the Astral Plane.

Astarion was shocked to hear that Lae’zel was helping Orpheus secure an alliance with githzerai by talking. Even Lae’zel gave an amused hum after saying it and confirmed that it was indeed Tav’s influence at work there. When Jaheira found him, he was still shaking his head over it.

“Good to see the both of you well, Astarion.” She said stepping beside him and looking out over the party with a soft smile that crinkled her eyes. “The cub seems to have recovered well from the winter.”

Mood turning somber for a moment at the mention, Astarion looked towards Tav who was talking with Minsc and the random person Minsc had accidentally kidnapped, recalling how rough that winter had been.

Not only had Astarion gotten a crash-course on how to live with people who didn’t want to hurt him, Tav and himself had still – were still – learning to navigate their relationship when there weren’t life-threatening circ*mstances around. But the real test to their relationship had happened when Tav became near-lethally ill. How fragile Tav had looked in between bouts of deep, painful, full-body coughs and retching until not even bile came up still made him rip out of reverie at the slightest hint of her coughing. Once Tav started the fever-visions, he and Temerity had called in both Auntie Ro and Jaheira to help turn the illness.

The only time Astarion had ever been that scared for Tav, she had taken a direct hit during their final battle atop the Netherbrain and hadn’t immediately gotten back up.

“She made a full recovery.” Astarion murmured finally, tearing his eyes away from Tav’s face as she smiled bemusedly at Minsc. “Though, I never want to smell tiefling vomit again. Here I had thought goblin guts were the worst thing I’d sniffed.” He added lightly, or tried to make it light. Even to his own ears it sounded forced.

Jaheira let out a laugh. “It is a peculiar smell, that is certain. How have you fared though? I recall you wringing your hands so much I thought they would fall off.”

Giving an airy laugh, he shook his head but took the new path in conversation. “I’m surprised you paid any attention to what my hands were doing. But, I am well. Truth be told – it has been a series of learning curves. Dealing with her sister being the sharpest of them.”

“You know better than most how bonds forged in hardship can make people protective.” Jaheira said, giving only a small, secret smile at the questioning look Astarion gave her. “It is good to see you both putting in the effort for your love. It can be such hard work, but the rewards are so wonderful.”

Astarion’s questioning look gentled seeing the beginning of a wet gleam in the woman’s eye before it was blinked away.

“Bah! An old woman’s rambling.” She gave a shake of her head like it would clear out any unwanted thoughts. “But I am proud of you, you have become a better person than I would have thought a vampire could. It is nice being proven wrong, now and then.”

Warmth spread through his chest at the words, just like it had when Karlach had told her she was proud of him, but much stronger. Throat closing briefly around unfamiliar emotion that rose up, Astarion smiled silently in response instead.

It was clear that Jaheira realized he was having a moment, gave him one last warm, maternal smile, and patted him on the arm. “Take care, Astarion.”

Watching her walk away, Astarion had to take slow, deep breaths to quell the fluttering in his chest. Letting his eyes stare past the party, he tried to examine the new feeling as he had only very recently learned to do. Tried to understand what Jaheira’s words sparked in him and find a name to give it.

“Are you alright?”

Tav’s voice broke through his thoughts and he turned towards her, with a small smile. “I am.” Astarion said slowly, softly as his throat still hadn’t quite let up yet.

In her face, he saw that she recognized what was happening. Rather than draw him to talk, Tav merely squeezed his shoulder comfortingly, and gave him one of those sunbeam-warm smiles that he found himself craving more everyday. “Take your time, daj.” She said softly.

A silent nod in return, and she was gone again.

Astarion watched her as she once more joined their companions – their friends, his mind asserted – faintly hearing the swapping of stories about what they had been up to, playing fetch with Scratch, and letting the now enormous Thorn gently preen her when he walked up to her.

Taking a moment to seclude himself on the edge of what had so long ago been their camp, he leaned against cool stone and looked up. A full moon lit a cloudless sky full of stars. Tracing the constellations with his eyes, Astarion silently named and renamed them until the tightness in his throat eased. Only then, once he felt fully in control once more, he crept back to the party.

Out of habit, his eyes skimmed to confirm where everyone was. However, it took two sweeps before he spotted Tav. She had climbed up to the platform that had been set up on top of the rock in the middle of camp where a bard Astarion didn’t recognize was playing, surrounded by magically playing instruments – though he assumed Withers had hired the man.

Shaking his head and unsurprised that Tav would want to talk shop no matter the circ*mstance, he debated on who to talk with or if he wanted to talk anymore at all.


Astarion’s eyes found the wizard in time to see Gale stop scratching Tara’s chin and standing to wave him over.

“I’m glad you came.” Gale said cheerfully.

“You sound surprised.”

“I admit, I was a little concerned that you weren’t going to make an appearance.” Gale said. “You value your privacy most highly. Though I shouldn’t be too surprised, I don’t think Tav would have wanted you to miss this.”

Astarion chuckled at him, eyes taking stock of what was around him. “She didn’t, but she also didn’t have to do much convincing either. Shovel not around?”

Gale’s smile tightened slightly as Tara gave an annoyed sounding meow. “Shovel is…she’s put away for the time being. We’re still learning that arson is not an appropriate outlet for frustrations.”

“It’s not? Shame, it’s so much fun.” Astarion laughed and got a disapproving look from the tressym.

“Oh, I’m sure you find it so. But I had a lot of explaining to the dean at Blackstaff about why my desk was half cinders.” Letting out a sigh and a shake of his head, Gale brightened again. “Speaking of summon-ees, how are your ghouls faring? Find a way to deal with the mess they leave when their time is up?”

There was no fighting the eyeroll that took over him. “Tav named them.” He whined. “Both she and the ghouls now get put out if I don’t call them by name. As for the blood, still smells disgusting, still makes a mess. Best we can do is make sure they are outside when they dissolve.”

Tara meowed at him with a raised eyebrow.

Astarion looked at Gale expectantly when Tara fell silent. “Translation?”

“Hm? Right, Tara says those that are summoned should have names. It’s only polite to either learn them, or give them.”

“Hells, you both sound like Tav now.”

Gale gave him an amused smile. “If it weren’t for the frustration in your voice, I would be taking that as a compliment.” He said. “In fact, despite knowing otherwise – I’m going to take it as such.”

Before Astarion could toss back a retort, the music behind them shifted. Two voices rose in tandem: Tav’s and the mystery bard.

Turning with a show of exasperation, Astarion watched as Tav – having acquired one of the lutes around the other bard – did what she so loved to do. False exasperation bled into a genuine smile as her voice rose and fell – clear, bright, and strong – in perfect harmony with the hired bard. Eyes followed her fingers as they nimbly danced over strings before finding her face and pondered the awe hidden under her otherwise serene expression.

“She’ll do that all night if we let her.” Astarion joked absently.

Gale gave a soft chuckle behind him. “That she will. But, by the gods, does she look happy doing it.”

“Knowing her, she’s absolutely elated. Probably will come home having learned a new ditty or three.” Sighing silently, he wondered who the bard was. ‘He must be famous if Tav looks that excited to be playing with him.’

“Oh! Right Tara.” Gale’s voice broke into Astarion’s musings. “Speaking of happiness, we have a surprise for you. I’ve must have had it for some time, it was rather dusty so I did have it cleaned before the party. By Mystra’s grace I didn’t consume it while afflicted by the orb.”

That caught his attention, and he turned fully back at the wizard, eyes flicking between Tara – who had leapt up onto a rock and now looked smug – and Gale who was digging around in his bag of holding. “For me?”

“Yes! Since Mystra removed the orb from my chest, my tower has become cluttered once again. Tara and I have been putting in extra work to recategorize and clean up.” Gale explained before pulling something out. “And we found – well, Tara found – this.”

It was a finely made gold ring. The band was decorated by a carved image of the sun split along either side of a large, glittering ruby. It was beautiful. Astarion’s fingers itched to take it.

“Gale, darling, I am deeply flattered.” Astarion teased. “Though, you do know that I’m in a relationship with Tav, yes?”

A bright flush went all the way to the tops of Gale’s ears. “I’m not asking you to marry me, Astarion!”

“Oh, in that case, I’ll still take it off your hands – but it’s not exactly Tav’s taste in jewelry.” As Gale sputtered, Astarion’s smirk widened until Tara batted at him warningly – tail flicking in a similar manner to Tav’s when she was annoyed.

Pausing and taking a deep breath, Gale held out the ring again. “It’s a magic ring, you dolt.” He explained before dropping his voice. “It’s the Ring of the Sunwalker.”

It was as though every scrap of air had been pulled from his lungs. Not that he needed it to breathe, but it still meant that he couldn’t form any word as he looked back and forth in shock between Gale, the ring, and Tara – who was once again smug.

“It requires attunement – not sure what all that will entail, you will find out once you put the ring on.” Gale explained. “However, I would wait. Failure to attune could mean anything from it simply falling off your hand, a small jolt of pain, to…well, being thrown across the room. It could roll off into a bush-,”

“Ring of the Sunwalker.” Astarion finally repeated faintly, interrupting. “It – the name isn’t a misnomer, right? It does exactly what I think it’s going to do?”

Annoyance at being interrupted vanished with a smile. “Yes, my friend. Once you attune to it, as long as you wear it the sun will not cause you any harm. It has no affect on any other vampiric trait, though – just so we are clear.”

Another series of looks between them and the ring. “And what are you wanting in return?” He asked hesitantly.

The ring was pushed into his hand. “Nothing, Astarion. It is a gift. One freely given.” Gale assured firmly. “It may not be a cure – but I am glad I can help you regain even one aspect of life that you have been so cruelly robbed of. Twice now.”

Astarion stared at the golden ring in his palm and for a moment, that was all he could manage. Finally, he closed his hand around it and met Gale’s eyes. “I – thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.” Astarion said softly before turning to Tara. “That thanks extends to you as well. No telling how long Gale would have gone before realizing he had this.”

Tara purred happily, tilting her head and almost seemed to smile.

“Don’t tell Tav though.” Astarion said suddenly, looking back at Gale. “I…I want to attune first, make sure I even can. Then I’ll let her know – it’ll be a nice surprise.” Surprising Tav was a good excuse, and now that it was said was certainly something Astarion looked forwards to doing – but it wasn’t why he made the request.

Over the past six months, every quest to chase some cure or artefact for his vampirism had turned up nothing. Both of them had been disappointed at the results of course, but – after much needling and coaxing on his part when he realized something was bothering her – Tav had admitted after the last attempt that she felt like she was failing him. That she worried that he was going to resent her for it, despite his assurances to the contrary. Astarion wasn’t even convinced there was a cure. The fact that she was even trying to find one was far from making him resentful. What Tav viewed as broken promises and personal failures on her part, had made him fall that much harder for her. However, he wasn’t about to dangle something like this in her face if there was a chance it would fail.

“You have my word, and Tara’s, but send a letter regardless of the outcome.” Gale said. “I’ll be keeping a weather eye out for other things that you may find useful.”

Sighing in relief, Astarion nodded. “Thank you, again.”

Tara meowed.

“Oh, speak of a devil and they will appear – Tav is heading this way.” Gale said quickly.

With the ease born of centuries of practice, Astarion kept the ring out of sight as he turned, pocketing it subtly as a very giddy Tav virtually floated towards them. “Well darling, you’re in high spirits.” He purred when she was close. “I take it the bard is famous?”

“It’s Milil. I duetted a song with Milil.” The smile on her face looked like it was going to split her head in two.

Astarion blinked at her for a moment, trying to recall why the name sounded so familiar.

“No!” Gale gasped response saved Astarion from immediately having to answer. “Milil? The Lord of Song?”

“Yes!” Tav gushed covering her face with her hands then rested them over her breast. “Oh, my heart is going to pop out of my chest! No one will believe this back home.”

Gale was stroking his beard and giving the now far more cheerful-looking Milil an appraising look. “Incredible! Mystra had said he’d been banished to the Fugue Plane – I have a feeling Withers has something to do with his escape.”

Finally, some part of his brain gave up who they were talking about and cracked a smile at Tav. “So, darling, my favorite bard got to play with the god of song himself?”

“Not just of song!” Gale said excitedly.

Astarion could see him switching to professor mode and with a silent sigh, buckled in for an explanation no one asked for.

“Granted, Milil is considered a lesser deity, but his portfolio includes song, poetry, eloquence, creativity, and inspiration.” Gale continued, tapping at the air like there was a floating, invisible book he was reading from. “But not just the end result, he represents the entire process! Everything from conception to completion is under his portfolio. I don’t believe many – if any – alive today can boast that they have seen him let alone join him in song.”

A glance to the side and Astarion watched in amusem*nt as Tav was still practically vibrating in excitement.

“Every time our group experiences something extraordinary, I think that we cannot possibly top that experience. Yet somehow, we always manage to.” Gale said, planting his hands on his hips and chuckling. “I should talk to him. I do have a section this semester on different deities – a first hand interview would be marvelous addition to my class material.”

Astarion rolled his eyes, but let Gale quickly move past. “I wonder how much of what Gale says is believed by his students?” He murmured absently before looking at Tav’s still elated expression, knowing that her thoughts had to be a hurricane at the moment. “Are we still on the Material Plane, my dear?”

“Huh?” Tav’s eyes refocused and turned towards him again. “Oh, yes. Sorry. I have so many ideas all of a sudden. Are you still enjoying yourself?”

Laughing softly at the amount of movement across her hands and tail, Astarion nodded. “More than I thought I would. Withers throws a fine party.” His eyes scanned the area. “Strange, the walking bag of bones is nowhere to be found.”

Tav looked around as well. “I would think he’d want to enjoy the party too. I’m going to go find him, I need to walk a bit anyways. But, you sure you’re-,”

“I get you all to myself every night.” Astarion interrupted gently, tapping her chin with a curled finger. “I can’t be selfish all the time, not when we have forever. No, you go ahead and keep enjoying yourself. I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

Another sunlight smile that was only ever aimed at him warmed her face.

Unable to help himself, he pulled her close into a hug. “I’ll always be here, my love.” He whispered softly against her ear as her arms tightened around him.

“Love you too, daj.” Tav returned, equally soft, before pulling away. “See you soon.”

Watching her walk away, smiling in the way only she could pull from him, Astarion sighed happily as Tav flitted around the party.

A teasing meow pulled him from his mind, and drew his attention. Tara had that smug look on her face again as her tail absently swished and flicked behind her.

“I really need to learn that damn spell to understand animals. I have a feeling you’ve said something rather sarcastic just now. Am I right?” Astarion asked, hand going to his hip.

“Mrph!” Tara purred before spreading her wings and taking off, looking more amused than ever.

“That wasn’t an answer!” Astarion called after her.


They had returned home only a few short hours ago, just before the sun rose properly and in time to catch Temerity readying herself for work. The younger sister had sleepily asked about the party as she dragged herself around the flat while Tav quickly scribbled down things in a notebook as whatever inspiration from Milil hadn’t fully left her yet. The scratching of quill on paper had lasted long after her sister left for work.

Astarion was tempted to look at what had been so hastily written, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to read anything. Not only was Tav’s handwriting horrendous when she wrote in such a hurry, but if it was something she wanted down quickly she defaulted to writing in Infernal – those letters she knew innately and came far more easily to her than Common. Whatever it was she wanted down had taken a while, but it eventually ebbed.

Finally, he had managed to coax her into bed and watched her fall asleep.

Eventually, Tav had migrated in her usual fashion so that she was stretched out on her stomach. Both arms shoved under the pillow, head turned slightly towards Astarion’s side of the bed, and her tail twined around Astarion’s calf.

Gauging carefully, Astarion finally decided she was deep enough in sleep that he could slip away.

Early on in their relationship, trying to unwind her tail from his leg – no matter how careful and dexterous he was – always woke her up, now all that was needed was for him to lightly tug his leg away for her tail to unfurl without so much as an eyelash twitching. But Tav still slept lightly – now that she shifted her schedule to sleep part of the day away with him, it took far less than normal to wake her.

Today he gave silent thanks that the only stirring she gave to his movements was to burrow a little deeper into the pillow, and swish her tail across the bed. Slipping from the curtained off room, he settled on the couch. Another silent thanks went up that there weren’t urchins crashing on it at the time being as he pulled out the ring Gale had given him.

Please let this work.’ Astarion prayed before sliding it onto a finger.

The flat vanished.

He stood in a grassy field under a night sky – both extending far beyond what he could see in every direction. Turning and examining every direction, Astarion scowled wondering what he was supposed to do here.

“So, you wish to escape the night?”

Whirling to locate the source of the voice, Astarion was surprised to see a tall woman – who most certainly had not been there before – standing behind him.

Even clearly afflicted by vampirism, her skin was a deep, cool black that made her red eyes appear to nearly glow with the contrast. Gold and rubies adorned her from the bangles at her wrists to the beads in her hair.

“Who are you?” Astarion asked turning as the woman, easily a head taller than him, began to circle. “A personification of the ring?”

“In a manner.” She said tilting her head this way and that at him. “I am the owner of the Ring of the Sunwalker, it was created for me by my love. Who are you to so boldly assume that you may use it?”

“I am Astarion.”

“You are a spawn.” Her hand with gold-and-red painted nails toyed with the fat heads of the grasses around them.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he gave a sharp smile. “I killed my master. I earned my freedom from him.”

Her lips pursed as she hummed. “Killed. Yes. But only killed. You were not granted his blood to become a full vampire. No Rite of Perfect Slaughter was performed as Cazador had done with his master Vellioth. Though all the necessary components were there, you did not complete the Profane Rite to become the Vampire Ascendant – which would have granted you boons my ring cannot.”

“And?” Astarion asked impatiently.

“Hm. And nothing. Begone.” She said with a wave of her hand.

Once again he was back in the flat and it took everything to keep from yelling as the ring burned his finger. Dropping it to the floor, Astarion nearly bit his tongue to blood and watch the skin slowly heal – damaged as though he had stuck it in the sun.

“What in the sweet hells?!” He finally hissed in anger, forcing his voice to stay quiet. Glaring at the ring, fuming at the woman, he snatched it up and shoved it back on his finger.

“The spawn returns.” She was still circling him, still letting her hand weave among the grass. “Why?”

Astarion.” He bit out. “And what do you meant why?”

The only change in her bored expression was the smallest lift of a brow. “Why do you want to use my ring?”

“Because I’m a vampire, darling, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t need the ring to see the sun.”

Another wave of the hand and the flat returned, flesh hissing against the metal until it dropped to the floor again.

Grinding teeth together as he clutched his hand, Astarion silently went through every curse he knew in every language as the injury healed. ‘What does she want to hear?’ He thought with a snarl. ‘Why else would a vampire want the blasted thing?’

Taking a deep breath, he snatched the ring up and walked towards the kitchen – diverting only long enough to check that Tav was indeed still sound asleep – and grabbed one of the bottles of blood she kept in the house just for him. Taking a large swig to help the healing, he set it down carefully and slipped the ring onto a different finger.

“Pig’s blood.” The woman asked in the same, serene tone that made it hard to tell if it were a question or not. “There is a mortal in your bed yet you choose to drink pig’s blood.”

“Smartest animal she knows of.” Astarion said, absently repeating what Tav had told him when she started buying the blood – having misunderstood for months that ‘thinking beasts’ meant the intelligence of the animal related to the potency of the blood and not lifeforce making it more potent.

The woman slowed, head canting, and a small smile ghosted over her lips. “She?”

“Clearly, you can see into my mind.” Astarion huffed glancing around. ‘Wasn’t it darker a moment ago?’ He wondered absently trying to ignore the eyes boring into his head.

There was no response save for an expectant look – one that was far too similar to Cazador for Astarion’s liking.

Sighing in aggravation before taking a calming breath, Astarion gave an absent gesture. “Tav. The woman in the bed. She bought me the blood.”

“Why would a mortal do such a thing?” The woman asked, slowing her circling.

“Frankly, none of your business.” Astarion snapped, realizing too late that it was the wrong thing to say, wincing at the handwave.

The ring clattered loudly against the tiled tabletop before it was caught. Griping it tightly in his hand, despite how badly his fingers ached, his ears pricked for any sound that hinted he had woken up Tav.

Flexing his hand, he wondered if the sky going dark as she waved her hand was a trick of his mind. Cautiously, he put the ring back on.

“You are a persistent little spawn.” The woman had resumed her original pace and candace to her voice, even resumed her almost bored expression.

“Must you burn my hand every time?” Astarion asked, starting to feel a little dizzy following her motions.

A musical laugh left her. “There are consequences to every action, spawn.” She said. “I would think your life has taught you a little something about that.”

This time he didn’t rise to the bait, instead he simply tracked her movements with his eyes.

“Very good, you are learning.” She said. “Now, strange, little spawn – you wish to see the sun again.”

“Yes.” Astarion said simply, trying to keep the bite from his voice.


Closing his eyes, he took a long breath through his nose. “You burned me the last time I answered that question.”

“You were not being entirely honest.” She said plucking a stem. “Let me ask a different question – maybe you’ll understand your own motivations better that way.”

“Gods below-,” Astarion muttered.

“You have a mortal in your bed this very moment.” The woman twisted the grass stem absently, its heavy head bouncing wildly as she did so. “Instead of feeding from her – which you have her permission to do – you sulk in the kitchen and drink the pig’s blood that she has bought for you. Why?”

“First of all, I am not sulking.” Astarion said trying not to sound like he was sassing back. “My…arrangement with Tav is that I have permission to drink her blood upon her invitation and only when she is awake. The pig’s blood is for times outside of that, and when I do not wish to hunt down a rat or some poor bastard’s pet.”

“A fine arrangement. Any vampire would be so lucky, a vampire spawn even more so.” She said slowing down and raising her eyebrow. “If either cared enough about a mortal to honor such an arrangement.”

Bristling at the insinuation, there wasn’t hiding the snarl.

That ghost of a smile returned to her face. “So tell me, spawn, why do you care about an arrangement with a mortal?”

This time, he managed to keep the knee-jerk retort behind his teeth as he scanned the horizon. It wasn’t a trick of his imagination, the sky had lightened once again. “If I ask what bearing this has to why I want to see the sun again, are you going to burn me?”

The woman contemplated the question. “No.”

“Then what bearing does this have to why I want to see the sun again?” Astarion said failing to keep the frustration out of his voice when she didn’t continue to simply answer the question.

“An excellent question, spawn-,”

My name is Astarion.”

“When you earn my respect, you earn the right to hear your name.”

Closing his eyes and grinding his teeth, he silently counted to ten.

“As I was saying, it is an excellent question.” The woman said once his eyes opened again. “Why would I care about your arrangement with a mortal in regards to why you want to see the sun again?”

“Hells if I know, are you wanting to uphold the status quo?” Astarion asked.

Her hand waved and he was bent over in the kitchen once again, air hissing through his teeth as he rushed to pull the ring off. Panting heavily and staring at the ring, he took a long moment to let his mind go calm.

The sky darkens ever time she rejects me.’ Astarion mused, taking several gulps of blood. ‘But it lightens the longer we talk.

Tapping his fingers against the table, he rolled the interactions around in his mind for a few minutes before grabbing the ring and shoving it on his opposite hand.

“You clearly are not worthy of this ring, spawn.” The woman said. “Why do you keep trying?”

Astarion pushed down the irritation in him. “You said your love made you the ring.”

The woman almost came to a stop behind him.

“Who did you love?”

A thin line of pre-dawn light kissed the horizon.

“You are not here for me.” Her voice was warmer, pleased even as she resumed her pace. “I will ask you again: Why do you want to see the sun?”

Astarion’s eyes were glued to that tantalizing strip of light.

“You are not ready for that question yet, then.” She said, light dimming slightly. “Why should I care about your relationship with a blood-bag?”

Astarion pulled his eyes from the horizon and met the woman’s eyes again. “Because Tav isn’t a blood-bag to me.”

The woman came to a stop in front of him. “Then tell me, spawn, why should I care?”

Astarion was silent a long moment, just searching her eyes. “You want to know what kind of vampire – what kind of person – I am.”

Gold touched the horizon behind her.

“And what kind is that?”

There was a long moment of considering, debating between guessing at what he thought she wanted to hear and what truth he didn’t want to say aloud. Never see the sun again, or speak honestly to a specter. “I don’t know.” Astarion finally said, absently licking his lips. “I’m not a good person – hells, I’m not even a kind person, but….”

A smile graced the woman’s lips and she nodded for him to continue.

“Tav – Tav sees something in me. Something good, even though she knows that I am not a good or a kind person.” He continued softly. “I honor our arrangement not because I’m afraid I’ll loose steady access to blood, but because…because I don’t want her to hate me.” Astarion was no longer aware of what the horizon was doing, wasn’t even really looking at the woman in front of him.

“Why would the hate of one mortal weigh so heavily on you, Astarion?”

“Because I love her.” The words he only ever admitted to Tav were whispered.

“And what does your love have to do with wishing to see the sun?”

Astarion gave a rueful laugh and shook his head. “It’s a vampire’s nature to want something they can’t have, to long again for the warm, gentle touch of the sun. In that respect I am no better than any other vampire – spawn or no – but now…”


“I want what is forbidden to me. Long as I live I will always yearn for the sun. But now, I don’t want Tav to have to choose between her life with me and her life in the sun.” Astarion admitted and closed his eyes against emotions he didn’t want to examine at the moment.

It was a truth he realized over the winter before Tav fell ill, watching as she spent every waking daylight hour taking care of her network, making sure people had blankets, warm places to sleep, and hot food. Sure, he would have complained, grumbled and been dramatic about it, but had he been able he would have gone with her on many of those days. Instead, he had to sit in the flat, often hiding in the curtained-off room the first half of the day in case the door opened unexpectedly just so the sun streaming in wouldn’t burn him. Leaving him feeling useless and out of place in her life. It was a realization he hadn’t even voiced to Tav.

“Unlike me, Tav is a good person. She deserves someone who can walk with her on warm days, to travel and explore new cities with while the sun is still out. She deserves to see the world in all it’s colors – instead of being confined to the shades of grey of night.” He continued furrowing his brows. “Selfishly, I want that person to me.”

He waited for the ring to burn him again, suddenly uncertain if that was what he was meant to reveal. The metal stayed cool around his finger.

“Astarion, open your eyes.”

That was not the woman’s voice. That was his voice.

Eyes snapping open, the only reason he recognized the person in front of him was a copy of himself was thanks to Tav having talked that damnable painter into a group sitting rather than an individual portrait. Astarion’s own smirking face was looking back at him, bathed in golden light that made the grassy field around them almost shimmer.

“I was wondering if you were going to figure it out.”


The smirk widened. “Vampires do not share power. We are angry, spiteful creatures who revel in the torment and subjugation of those lesser than us.” The not-Astarion said before turning and the smirk turned to a warm smile. “At least that’s what all the stories say. Mostly it’s true. The creator of the ring was mortal, who had fallen in love with a vampire – sound familiar?”

Astarion blinked at him for a moment before responding. “Perhaps a little.”

“They looked for a cure, tried to develop one – and failed.” The ring’s avatar said. “The original owner was killed, taken, but the ring only works when there’s a reason beyond the greedy nature of a vampire at work. So – there’s been a bit of bouncing around.”

“Bouncing around?” Astarion asked faintly.

“It was even in possession of the Szarr family for a bit – as you can tell they didn’t quite manage to hold on.” The avatar shot a wicked grin at Astarion.

“Is that why you gave me the hints?”

“Not at all, darling. You’re just the first one that managed to trigger them.” There was a pause, and a finger tapped the air. “To be clear – the fact that you actually care about someone other than yourself is what triggered it. Considering how easily bruised your pride is, I wasn’t sure you would admit it to anyone but Tav.”

Sputtering in an emotion that he really couldn’t name as the avatar laughed at him, Astarion didn’t even get a chance to ask any other questions.

“Enjoy the sun. Make it count.”

Between blinks the kitchen reappeared.


The attunement scene is at least partially inspired by the D&D: Honor Among Thieves movie. I also do not know anything about the Ring of the Sunwalker's canon backstory, so I fully made that up.

Just a couple notes about things I haven't introduced yet:
Auntie Ro - This is a character I haven't introduced really but she is an elder tiefling in Baldur's Gate who's grand-niece is good friends with Tav, she's also the closest thing to a mother Tav had for a good portion of her childhood. She is an herbalist by trade.

the Network - Tav had an epiphany when she was younger about how she was falling into the same cycle that made her childhood far more difficult than it needed to be, so she convinced a few former urchins and trusted people to commit to helping urchins as a neutral party. There's no shelter to stay at, but it is a loose organization where people offer up to the urchins/orphans of the city a couch or spare bed in their homes to sleep in for the night, a hot meal, and where they can potentially get medicinal herbs if they don't otherwise have money.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.