Swim University Chemical Calculator (2025)

1. The Best Pool Chemical Calculator Apps - Swim University

  • 8 mei 2023 · We've put together a list of exceptional spa and pool chemical calculator apps you can use for water balancing and maintenance.

  • We’ve put together a list of exceptional spa and pool chemical calculator apps you can use for water balancing and maintenance.

The Best Pool Chemical Calculator Apps - Swim University

2. Pool Water Chemistry - Swim University

  • The Best Pool Chemical... · How Much of Each Chemical... · Cyanuric Acid

  • Learn the basics of pool water chemistry, the right chemicals, equipment and supplies, and keep your pool clean and swimmable all season.

3. Pool Volume Calculator: How Many Gallons of Water Does Your Pool ...

Pool Volume Calculator: How Many Gallons of Water Does Your Pool ...

4. Pool Water Testing - Swim University

  • We've put together a list of exceptional spa and pool chemical calculator apps you can use for water balancing and maintenance.

  • Pool water testing is a necessary part of pool ownership. We'll teach you the best ways to keep your pool in the best condition possible.

5. Apps - professional pool management, llc - Weebly

  • Chemical calculator; techs can log records; GPS tracking of employees on job sites, etc. Pool Chemical Calculator ... Pool Man University Short online ...

  • Pool Chemical APPS PoolTrac Pro Fee. Chemical calculator; techs can log records; GPS tracking of employees on job sites, etc. Pool Chemical Calculator (by Morogoyo) Free ​ Pool-Calculator (by Pool...

Apps - professional pool management, llc - Weebly

6. The Complete Guide to Pool Water Testing - Swim University

  • If you don't test your pool water, how do you know what the chemical levels are? Or what undesirable substances are in it? Or how much and what chemicals to put ...

  • Are you leaving some important substances out of your pool water testing? Learn what you might be missing, how it can affect your pool, and how to fix it.

The Complete Guide to Pool Water Testing - Swim University

7. PoolMath - Trouble Free Pool

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  • Discover the calculator behind the perfect pool, PoolMath. Dealing with pools has allowed TFP to become the original authors of the best calculator on the net.

8. 9 Essential Smartphone Apps For Your Pool - Factory Pools Perth

  • Nimbus Pool Doctor is the perfect app for ensuring the chemical balances in your pool are kept perfect and running smoothly. ... Swim University is one of the ...

  • We’ve distilled the tech jargon and sometimes overwhelming amounts of information down into an easy-to-read list of the 9 most important apps that assist you in caring!

9 Essential Smartphone Apps For Your Pool - Factory Pools Perth

9. Useful smartphone apps for swimming pools and hot tubs care

  • ... pool owner balance the chemistry of your pool. ... chemical calculator that shows you the exact amount of chemicals to use. DOWNLOAD NOW. 8. Swim University.

  • useful smartphone apps for pools and hot tubs.Apps for Pool & Hot Tub Care. swimming pool care and maintenance apps for smartphone

Useful smartphone apps for swimming pools and hot tubs care

10. Basic Pool Chemistry 101 - Swim University

  • If you know which pool chemicals to use and when, and how to balance your pool chemistry, you're well on your way to being an expert pool owner.

Basic Pool Chemistry 101 - Swim University
Swim University Chemical Calculator (2025)


How do I calculate how much chemical I need for my pool? ›

Beginner Guide To Calculate Pool Chemicals - Pool Chemical Calculator
  1. Rectangular Pool: Length (ft) x Width (ft) x Average Depth (ft) x 7.5 = Gallons.
  2. Round Pool: Diameter (ft) x Diameter (ft) x Average Depth (ft) x 3.14 x 0.375 = Gallons.
  3. Oval Pool: Length (ft) x Width (ft) x Average Depth (ft) x 6.7 = Gallons.
Apr 17, 2024

How much chlorine to add to pool swim university? ›

For chlorine granules, you'll need 3 to 4 ounces or about half a cup for every 10,000 gallons of water. For 3-inch chlorine tablets, add 2 tablets for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. If your pool holds 10,000 gallons of water or more, 3-inch tablets work great.

What is the chemical formula for a swimming pool? ›

When we add Cl2 (chlorine) + H2O (water), we get a reaction which leaves us with HOCl (hypochlorous acid) + HCl (hydrochloric acid). How much of each is created is dependent on water temperature, cyanuric acid level and especially the water pH level. Hypochlorous acid is the active, killing form of chlorine.

In what order should I put chemicals in my pool? ›

To chemically balance your swimming pool water, follow these eight steps:
  1. Adjust Alkalinity. A pool with low alkalinity has high acidity. ...
  2. Adjust pH Levels. ...
  3. Balance Calcium Hardness. ...
  4. Sanitize. ...
  5. Measure Cyanuric Acid (CYA) Levels. ...
  6. Measure Dissolved Solids. ...
  7. Shock the Pool. ...
  8. Test the Water.

How much chemical do I put in my pool? ›

How much chlorine to add depends on the type you're using. But since tablets are the most common, we can say that the rule of thumb for how much chlorine to add is two 3-inch tablets per 10,000 gallons, or one 3-inch tablet per 5,000 gallons. The goal is to have a chlorine level at 1 to 3 parts per million (ppm).

How much liquid chlorine do I add to a 15000 gallon pool? ›

How Much Chlorine Do You Need to Shock a Pool?
Pool SizeLitres of 10% available chlorine Sodium Hypochlorite needed to give:
Gallons6 ppm10 ppm
1 more row
Apr 15, 2024

Is shock the same as chlorine? ›

1) What is the difference between chlorine and shock? Do I need to use both? Chlorine is a sanitizer, and (unless you use Baquacil products) is necessary for maintaining a clear and healthy pool. Shock is chlorine, in a high dose, meant to shock your pool and raise the chlorine level quickly.

Why is my pool showing no chlorine after shocking? ›

Although you're adding chlorine to your water, bacteria or algae are overpowering the chemicals causing it not to show up on tests strips or in water kits. Keep in mind, organic materials like algae, leaves, sunscreen, lotions, pee, poop, etc., consume chlorine. As chlorine does its job, it is depleted in the process.

What happens if chlorine is too high in a pool? ›

Exposure to high levels of chlorine can cause lung irritation, skin and eye damage, and provoke asthma. Not only is it bad for your health, but it can be bad for your pool due to the increase in chlorine. High chlorine levels decrease the pH of your pool's water, making it more acidic.

What is the golden rule when using pool water chemicals? ›

The simplest strategy is to follow them, remembering the two golden rules of adding chemicals: only add chemicals to a pool that is running, and only add chemicals to water, not water to chemicals.

What is the first chemical you put in a pool? ›

Adding Chemicals for a Newly Filled Pool

Alkalinity Adjustments: It's recommended to start with any adjustments to Total Alkalinity (TA) first, because of its effect on pH levels. If your TA is below 80 ppm, add Alkalinity Increaser.

What is the best chemical for pools? ›

Chlorine remains the cornerstone of effective pool service and sanitization. It eliminates bacteria and keeps your water crystal clear. Regularly adding chlorine ensures that harmful microorganisms stay at bay.

Do you fix pH or chlorine first? ›

Start with pH. Inexperienced pool owners often think that all you have to do is shock your swimming pool with chlorine, but the truth is that pH is the key. If your pH is not balanced, any other chemicals that you add will be ineffective. The ideal pH is between 7.4 and 7.6.

Do I add chlorine or shock first? ›

While shocking and adding algaecide is effective in getting rid of algae, it should not be done together. This is because when you mix chlorine and algaecide together, it renders both of them useless. Hence, you should first shock the pool and wait for the chlorine levels to fall below 5 PPM.

What pool chemicals should not be added at the same time? ›

With the exception of salt, you should never mix any types of chemicals and put them together, not even close to each other. Never want to mix acid with chemicals like stabilisers, chlorine and buffers. Salt can be added with acid.

How to measure pool chemicals? ›

The two most popular ways of testing pool chemicals are pool test strips and pool testing kits. Whether you use a kit or a strip, it should measure chlorine and pH levels. These measurements show two of your pool's most important chemical readings.

How much chlorine for a 7500 gallon pool? ›

Once you know how much water fits in your pool, you'll need to know how much chlorine would be enough for each gallon. The rule of thumb here is to use one 3 inches tablet for every 5000 gallons.

What is the ideal chemical balance for a swimming pool? ›

A pool that is "balanced" has proper levels of pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness. These are: pH: 7.2-7.8, Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm, Calcium Hardness, 180-220 ppm and Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer): 30-50 ppm. Chlorine levels should remain constant in the 1-3 ppm range.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.